Chapter 1: Welcome To New York

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Hi guys! Amy is here! First chapter, I'm so excited! Enjoy reading =)

Morning in New York City was quite peace. People still sleeping, even though this is the never sleep city. In an apartment, there was a girl with blond hair and blue eyes. She was staring at the sky as the reflection of the sky appeared in her eyes. She turned her head and ask her cats :
- Hey Meredith, what do you think of the weather today?
- Meowwww....
- How about you Liv??
She said as her cat stepped on her thigh and scratched her. She yells:
- Ouch! Stop it Mer!
The cat has the gray black fur looked at her with annoying eyes and turned away. While she watched the cats communicate in cat language , she heard the doorbell.
- I'm coming! Just a sec... Why would someone ring the bell at 7 in the morning ...
She asked herself. She took the bathrobe and wore it on since she was only wearing a tanktop and shorts . She looked in the mirror and fixed her hair, then quickly ran to the door. She smiled:
- Hi, can I help you?
In front of her was a boy with brown hair and blue eyes like her. The boy smiled at her:
- Hi sis!!
She screamed in happiness.
- Oh my god Austin! What are you doing here?? I thought you were in England?
Her smile changed into a confuse look. The boy walked into the apartment and sighed:
- I missed mom, dad and you so I took a break from school and...
- No need to say more ,you are here now !! And I missed you too, lil bro.
She said and hugged her little brother. Then she hurry changed into a floral dress with long sleeves and pushed her brother outside.
- Since you are here , let's go out! I want you to see New York! Let's go Austin !
Austin had no choice. He went out with her sister and gave her glare.
- Really, I've just came back and I'm tired, couldn't let me stay at home and rest?!
- Nah, man up Austin! You are so weak!
She laughed in a cheeky way. Suddenly, she smirked and asked:
- So hey, where is your girlfriend? Did you guys break up?! Don't say so...
Austin didn't reply. He looked sad and there was disappointment in his eyes . She realized that. She drove the conversation to another topic.
- Where do you wanna go? I'll take you there.
She asked with a full of excitement voice and you could see the way her eyes shined.
-Let's go to The Statue of Liberty! You'd love the view!
Austin nodded. They went to the Statue right after that. But there was one thing they didn't know that someone(s) was following them.

They were walking on the street and drinking Starbucks. Surprisingly, some girls ran from behind and spilled Austin's coffee. She yelled.
- Hey! Watch your way girls!
- Ahhh!! It's Taylor guys !! We are finally meeting her!
They girls statue to scream and taking picture of Taylor. Someone asked:
- Is this your boyfriend ?
- No, he is mine brother. Ouch! Stop pushing!
The girls kept on screaming and ran after them. They cut the girls at an alley and ran back home.
- Wooo, they were crazy, right ?
Austin smiled while breathing heavily. Taylor nodded and looked up:
- Yeah, that's you have to deal with when you are famous... Oopss....
She covered her mouth with her hands. She tried to fix things up
- I mean... Uh...
- You said that you're famous ? So your writing business is succeeded ?? Wow! Congrats! Now the whole world know who is Taylor Swift!
Taylor shook her head and said with a cocky tone:
- C'mon, I published 3 books and people went crazy... I didn't think my book would be that popular . You know, "New York Best Seller" just what...
- You should be happy sis! That is your dream since you were a kid! Now you reach it!
Austin pulled Taylor in a hug. She hugged her brother back and they walked back to the apartment.

End Chapter 1.
Hope you guys enjoy it!

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