Chapter 2.2 Blank Space pt2

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Hey friends, not update for a long time, I lost my phone, sorry. OK, so here we go, enjoy the story!
Amy :3

As they walked in the yard, they felt a familiar smell. Taylor sniffed:
- God, Austin, Mom is baking. I'm sure it's apple pie.
Austin laugh slightly:
- Yeah, I smell that too.
Austin knocked the door and a woman voice said:
- I'm coming! Just a minute!
The door opened, the woman stood froze at the door. She started to cry, like a lots. Austin and Taylor hugged her with a warm big hug, Taylor started to cry, too. The woman wiped her tears and smiled:
- Oh my god! My babies are home! I'm so happy! Let me hug you guys a little more, it's been a long time! Scott! SCOTT! Our children had came home!
A man ran out from the house, he took of his glasses and looked at them in disbelieve. He walked to them and hugged them so tight which made Austin laughed.
- Mom, Dad, we're home! Surprise!!
And they all bursted out in tears.

That morning, Taylor woke up in her old bedroom, she found it incredibly comfortable. Taylor all so found her old favourite book "To Kill A Mocking Bird". |you guys should read that book, it's a really nice book| She had breakfast with her family and then they hang out together.
That night, they gathered around the dining table and talked. After dinner, Scott coughed and looked at Andrea. His hand touched her. Then they both glanced at Austin, he seems to felt the intense in their glance so he cleared his throat and said:
- Mom, Dad, do you guys have something to tell me?
Taylor thought in her head "Ugh, this is awkward" She tilted her head to Andrea and looked at her with questioning eyes.
- What are you guys hiding from us?
Austin said with frustrating voice. It was super awkward. Scott sighed.
- Austin, we have arranged you a marriage.
Austin's eyes opened wide and he looked at Andrea.
- This is so not funny... Mom...
- We're not kidding honey...
Austin looked around in disbelief. He was waiting for an explaination.
- At least someone explain what the heck is happening... Oh my godness...
Taylor put her hand on his and tried to calm him down. She was waiting for an explaination too.
- She's beautiful, kind and...
- I don't care!! How could you do that to me!
Austin yelled. He turned his back and left the house. Andrea ran after him.
Austin sat in his car. He confused. What did they mean by getting marry? He is young, too young. That girl... Who the hell is she.... He couldn't be careless. At least he should know who is she if he's gonna get marry with her. Austin turned the car key and drove away.
End Chapter 2.2
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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