Cheated but then given a chance

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Jackson's P.O.V

"Hi, welcome to pretty and pink!" A short yet peppy girl said from behind the counter of the insanely pink and girly store. "I'm looking for some new cute clothes" my girlfriend Catharine said inspecting her nails before walking toward one of the racks of clothes. I sighed and followed her towards the rows and rows of girly clothes and accessories, there was an enormous amount of pink items that had glitter on them. My eyes grew irritated at all the bright pinks and glittery items, I sat down near the changing rooms and rubbed my aching forehead. "Hold these" that was the only warning I got before a mound of clothes was thrown on top of my lap, "gee thanks for the consideration" I mumbled pushing them to the side.

"Would you like some help with that?" I looked around to see the girl from before standing patiently by the bench. ", my girlfriend is still going to try these on." She grimaced and scooted closer, I tensed as she reached her hand behind my head but never felt her touch me. "I meant with these" she waived a pair of what looked like jean underwear in from of my face, she set them on top of the already huge pile of clothes. "I didn't feel those back there" I chuckled rubbing the back of my neck to make sure there weren't any other pieces of clothing hiding back there. "If you need anything else my name is Amber" she said smiling before walking back towards the front of the store, "hey bae, do you think this dress makes me look fat?" I mentally groaned at the whole 'bae' nickname, its the most annoying thing ever. I forced a smile "of course it doesn't, you look amazing" I lied through my teeth cringing at the short revealing dress Catharine was now modeling.

"Catharine?" A deep male voice gasped from behind me, I turned around to see a six foot giant glaring at Catharine. "Josh?! Wha..what are you doing here?" She stuttered, her face was as pale as a sheet. "I was going to buy a gift for my girlfriend for our anniversary dinner tonight but looks like I don't have a girlfriend any longer" he snarled glaring at her then at me, "your disgusting" he sneered before socking me in the side of my face and running out of the store. "Josh wait!" Catharine screamed running after him. A lot of choice words were running through my head right at that moment  one of them being cheater and the other disgusting, what right did he have to call me disgusting? If I had known Catharine had a boyfriend I wouldn't have looked twice at her!

When we first met she was all sunshine and giggles but after a few weeks she started getting needy and clingy, she wanted to know where I was at all times and who I was going with. Now it makes sense why though...She just didn't want me to find out about her little secret, she was a two timing scum of the earth hoe and ain't nobody got time for that!(lol sorry I just had too) I snapped out of it when I felt something cold being put on my cheek, Amber was sitting next to me holding an ice pack to my face. "I'm sorry" she whispered looking down at her lap but kept the ice pack pressed against my face, she looked like she was about to break down and cry when none of this was even her fault. "Sorry for what? You didn't make Catharine cheat on me and you certainly didn't make that guy hit me in the face."

She sniffled and cracked a small smile, "no but I knew she was cheating on you." I was flabbergasted, "how could you have known that Catharine was cheating on me?" She looked away sheepishly and pulled the ice pack off my cheek. "Well I've seen her come in with him a few times, but she came in yesterday with him and I over heard her talking about how she wanted a ring she saw in our showcase for her anniversary gift." By now she had a few tears streaming down her face and was fidgeting with a bracelet she was wearing. I leaned back against the wall and sighed, I couldn't have known that Catharine was cheating and I thought I was the closest person to her but this poor girl is on the brink of tears because she thinks its her fault for not telling me. "Josh was my boyfriend up until the day I saw them together when they came here" she whispered rubbing a few stray tears from her face.

As if the flood gates had been opened she began to cry waterfalls, I felt bad for the poor girl who watched as her boyfriend became her ex and then started dating someone else who cheated on him too. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug, she tensed and pushed against me slightly but in the end she hugged me back and cried. I sat there and let her cry on my shoulder, I usually don't like people touching me but this girl seems like she needs a shoulder to cry on.

Amber's P.O.V

I feel awful, I haven't known this guy for ten minutes and yet here I am crying on him and blubbering like a baby. He seemed so cold and distant at first but sitting here wrapped in his warm embrace I can't help but think that he's a nice guy on the inside. I sniffled a little longer before regaining composure and trying to sit up, the problem was that the guy's iron grip was having none of it. "I should probably get back to work.." I mumbled tugging on his sleeve. He reluctantly released me from his embrace and helped me stand up. "Do you feel better?" He asked walking with me up to the front desk, to be completely honest I did feel better after just a long cry. "Yes thank you, I'm sorry about Catharine cheating on you and then Josh hitting you in the face."

I can't believe Josh would just hit someone without even hearing their side of the story! I guess its for the best that Josh dumped me and Catharine dumped......"what's your name?" I asked realizing that I didn't even know his name, I had been crying on him and I didn't even know his first name! "Jackson" he said turning to leave the store, "so no last name?" He turned his head smirking, "meet me at the café on 45th street tomorrow at six and find out." He strolled out the door leaving me amazed at just how smoothly he asked me out. "See you tomorrow" I whispered smiling at Jackson's back as he disappeared from view.

A/N:Awwwww! I'm totally shipping JacksonxAmber! I want to make a short story about them but I need to finish other books...*cries* Anyways I hope you liked this randomness :) ~Maddie

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