Chapter 1

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"No, Maddie, don't do it" shouted Josh while I stoped and left the bike on the floor. I started to walk to the dirty place and Josh continued shouting me he don't wanted me to do that.

I walked to the hall were I heard the stupid Mark and Troy's laughts. I roll up my sleeves to the elbow and I entered determinated with a fulminant look un the car reparator.

"¡Troy, Mark!"

A beautiful girl went to me just when Josh arrived by my side, she looked at me waiting me for start talking.

"Hi, do you any help?" she asked me with a nice smile and I nodded.

"Yep, I've got to see Troy and Mark."

"Troy, Mark! There's a girl asking for you!"

Then, she stayed by my side in waiting for the two boys arrive while I was so angry. They arrived while they were cleaning their hands full of something black with a dirty rag. They were laughting at something Mark said.

"Oh look, here are the Brolins" said Troy at the same time that Mark started to laugh. "What do you want?"

"What do I want? Break your mouth to see if you shut up one a month!" I exclamed approaching them dangeriously but Josh stopped me before doin' something bad.

"You're younger than them, don't try anything" repeated Josh.

I didn't understand why Josh didn't do anything for defense hisself. He wads the tipic boy who stasrted a fight with anyone who messed with him. At his sixteen years he was very tall and strong. He had a good reputation in high school, and I was the little Hosh Brolin's sister who was in eighth grade.

This time, the idiots of Mark and Troy messed with mi brother and he didn't do anything. I didn't knew why.

"You're not special because of mess with people without no reason, and less with the Brolins" I started to shout, angry. "What makes you think that mess with Josh will make you better?! You're only a pair of stupid boys who don't know what to do for attract attention."

Troy walked to me fast and angry beacuse of my coment, but I stayed indiferent, I wasn't scared. But I started to be nervous when he grabbed de collar of my denim jacket and raised me from the floor, and in that moment y remembered that I wss only thrithteen and I was competing against a sixteen one.

"Don't challenge me! Right?" he asked but my brother hit him in the face fastly. Troy let me go and Mark was approaching to me while the girl was consoling Troy sobbing.

Mark was going to grab my arm for doing what he was suposed to do when I hit his private parts and he fell in the ground because of the pain. Josh and I give us high five.

"Oh no, Maddie, in school they told me that if I make a new fight they would expulse me from high school."

"But we're not in high school" I replied shrugging mi shoulders and Josh laughed. Now Josh was treating me well, I thought it was becausw I tryied to defend him. It was rare, because we were always fighting.

I looked at the boys writhing of the pain while the girl was trying to console them and I laughed.

"Never subestimate a thriteen year old girl" I said putting on my sun glasses. "Sayonara, babies."

Having said that we went out and I put on the glasses in my pocket again. I raised my bike, satisfied of my revenge of "you get what you give" and I rode while my brother in his bike. But, when we we're comenting how amazing was hitting them, the two boys ran "recovered" toward us wanting war.

Josh and I looked at us scared and we came out of there pedaling the most fast the marches bike allowed us. I looked back, but all I saw gave me a bad sensation; Mark and Troy were riding in a car that was in their establishment exit and they ripped for start a persecution.

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