Gaara fangirl~ the "Diffident" type

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Title: Literally running from commitment

Things had been going great these past couple months since you became the young sand leader's secretary. You had become quite accustomed to the quirks of the sand siblings. They had slowly as the months went on become like a second family to you. But lately things between Gaara and you were a little, eh...funny and you had no idea what it was. Nothing about him changed he was the same Gaara you came to know; maybe it was you? But you were confused. That just couldn't be right. Nothing changed but, everything felt different...

You found yourself fussing over it and slowly started becoming distant; avoiding Gaara and his siblings as much as possible, not asking to go and have dinner with them like usual and declining to join them for dinner when Gaara asked a few times, refusing to engage in the normal small talk you and the Kazekage usually shared and often slacking on your job when the tense situation swiped cross your mind rendering you confused and slightly panicky. Somehow this confusion was scaring you making you fearful to even meet Gaara's eye. This bugged you for weeks until slowly an answer started to form in your head.



Unknown emotions...




Many emotions hurricane in side you like a whirlwind but one emotion stood out...


Why was this happening now?! You often found yourself wondering.

You could tell the young Kazekage was becoming frustrated with your behavioural change but he hadn't made a move to approach you about it, well... not until today...

You were caught so off guard you had just stood there and stared like a freak. You hadn't expected him the approach you so soon. You had hoped he wouldn't have approached you at all and things would probably go back to normal without the need to.

Unable to answer you did the only thing you could think of.

You knew you shouldn't have run from him. You knew in your heart it wasn't the right thing to do but you just couldn't face him. You didn't know what to say, what to do. You were confused. And that confusion sparked fear in you and it wasn't good for him to see that fear. You didn't want him to see it knowing that would hurt him more than you running from him...

You were breathing heavy as you ran not knowing where to run to but you just kept going. Then it happened.

'Oh no oh no, no, no, no...' you thought as large callused hands suddenly wrapped around your wrist. With a swift motion you glanced over your shoulder to see a long trail of sand attached to your wrist that trailed off somewhere in the distance. 'No, no, no!! Let go! Let go! I can't see him! I can't' You thought helplessly as you tried to fight against the sand's hold as it started to withdraw, slowly pulling you along with it; Your sandals sliding against the pasty road.

You try to pull against the steady pull but you were still being drawn. You quickly whipped out one of your handy dandy ninja tools and mercilessly started striking at the sand chain. It was quiet comical; despite your position.

"Hi-ya! Hi-ya!" you take a break from slashing to look at all the onlookers. "Hey help me out of this! I'm sure you don't see this everyday so don't stand around like you can't see me, help! This isn't exactly the norm here people." you knew you were being silly and you knew they weren't going to help.

Suddenly you weren't being pulled anymore. You looked down at the sand still around your wrist. You blinked not sure what was going happen next. Was he letting you go-?

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