How to be a Lunar

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Cinder: Where to start ...

Cress: You need to be cautious.

Wolf: Strong.

Scarlet: Be prepared for the unexpected.

Kai: The really unexpected, seriously.

Cinder: There's a difference between a bad Lunar and a good one. You wanna be the good one.

Thorne: Don't rip my leather jacket, and you'll be okay.

Scarlet: Shut up, Thorne.

Kai: A good Lunar doesn't discriminate.

Thorne: A bad one rips my favorite jacket.

Cress: Thorne.

Cinder: Just ... don't be Levana.

Everyone that has ever existed: Agreed.

Thorne: At least she didn't rip my jacket.

Cress: Thorne.

Iko: The most important thing to do is have fun! *throws confetti*


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