Day Twenty-Two- In Battle, Side by Side

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A/N THIS WILL BE SAD!!!! I REPEAT FEELS WILL ATTACK!! Anyway, going to write in Aphmau's POV AGAIN!! K, enjoy..

I place my warm jacket on and head out of the safe haven and into Phoenix Drop. I turn to Kiki's Barn and see Laurence sitting on a log, sharping his sword.

"Aren't you suppose to be at the wall with Levin, waiting?" I ask. He jumps and sighs with relief. "Aph, please don't scare me like that almost gave me heart attack" Laurence exclaims while I sit beside him.

"Lady Aphmau and Laurence...its time" Dante says. We're ready.


We stand right in front of the gates while Levin takes dirty looks toward the lord that decides war on Phoenix Drop. The thing was that Levin was building some project that would help his people but this lord from Nix was complained it was too tall like

REALLY?! TO TALL?!! some people I tell you....anyway, we realized this lord is pretty matched with the same people that we have in our defenses. I hear the gates shake and Levin runs over toward Laurence and I's direction.

"Aphmau...Mom...Laurence...RUN!" He yells as the gates open. We bolt and I turn to see Levin consumed by the large crowd. We reach the beach and we take a breath. You could only hear breaths being taken in then out.

"That was brave of Levin..." Laurence sighs as he drops on the sand and lays there. "But...he's my son and I hope he's safe.."I stutter stopping the tears.

We hear a crack of a twig and Laurence and I jump up, taking the swords off our backs looking for any odds.

"Nothing is here. But, m'lady. STAY here. I'm going to see what is left of Phoenix Drop.." Laurence says as he bolts toward the path and out of sight.

I stay there until dawn started. I hear someone walk behind me and I turn to see Laurence, his eyes puffy and red. Tears..

I run over to him and hug him tight, tears streaming down my face. I hear his sword and shield drop on the ground and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I-I.....sorry there..there was nothing I" Laurence stutters, sniffling a little.

"What was his last words..." I ask. "Take good care of my mother.."He sighs.

Laurence and I? "I never knew that Levin watched us....I thought you were going to choose Garroth over me...cause I....never thought I was better..." Laurence stutters

"Better? Man, I didn't even think OF love. Laurence...I never could choose you NOR Garroth. I know what Levin means..." I sigh.


An arrow cuts through air and lands on

"LAURENCE!" I scream as he gets shot in the heart.He collapses on the ground, me still holding him. I'm breathing deeply and he's breathing slower.

"Laurence..please..please don't no no..." I say, trying to clean the wound. He holds my bloody hand and I look up with tears steaming down once more.

"Aphmau....I love much and....."Laurence says between deep breaths "My body will not stand but my love will stand instead........"

"Laurence...NO! You can't do this!!" I say placing my head on his chest, laying beside him.

"Aphmau....stay and I promise I will return....I love love...." He says before he breaths in deep and exhales and closes his eyes and slowly die.

It's silence. His body that once was a comforting blanket next to me and now a stone.

Laurence...your story will live on...I love you too...

MAN WAS THAT HARD TO WRITE!! i dont know about you but that was HARDDDD

Anyway, im finishing this book on HALLOWEEN WOAH! Just saying only in this chapter will Laurence will be dead. rip ;-;

Laurence will be still alive in the other chapters cause we respawned after. SO HOPE YOU ENJOYED!! And I'll see you TMR!!!


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