Chapter 8: Truth or dare

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Alexa's POV

I woke up to a familiar dark silver blanket, and the distinct smell that could belong to only one person. Tyler. Why was I in his bed? The last thing I remember was being in the car with him.

I slowly lifted my head from the pillow, looking around, but there was no one in the room but me. Silent. Just the sound of the big rain drops banging. I got up from the bed, walking towards the large windows. The beautiful view to New York was now blurry from the dark clouds and the pouring rain. What time is it?

I felt the strong need to talk to Tyler. I remember everything that happened. "It was him, or you! " were the words that were harshly banging in my head. Like an echo. I had so many questions, and he was the only one who could give me the answers.

I walked to the door, and opening it, I heard someone talking. Tyler. But he was the only one talking, probably on a phone. I leaned forward to the door to eavesdrop.

" Yes, they know... I don't give a fuck, okay! It won't take them long till they find us again... Fine, just hurry. " He groaned, before cursing slowly. What the hell was he talking about?

I felt a hard stone drop in my stomach. I slowly walked out, through the small hallway, and into the bright salon. I saw Tyler sitting on the couch, as he grabbed a hold of his head, looking down. Hearing me come in, he lifted his head, glancing at me.

" You're finally awake." I heard Tyler's deep voice mumble from the couch. I didn't really know what to say to him or what to do.

" What happened? " I asked slowly walking towards him.

" You fainted, I think. Probably because..-" I cut him off.

" You killed that guy. Yeah.." I said harshly, crossing my arms to my chest.

" I was gonna say, because you were upset, but that can work to. " He added, with an apologetic look on his face.

I took a deep breath before I started talking. " Tyler, what the hell happened? You need to start explaining! Okay, I'm still freaking out out here..! " I said loudly, my voice once again sounding upset and shaky.

"Okay, sit down." He simply said, gesturing to the couch, looking completely calmed. Like nothing happened! Was itthat normal and easy to kill someone?

I wanted to say no, just because I didn't want him to tell me what to do, but I just let out a small sigh and sat down. I looked up at him, waiting for him to start talking, but he sat down next to me.

" So..?" I said, still waiting for him to start talking. Now, he looked like he didn't know where to start.

" Alexa, honestly, I didn't know that it would come to the level where I have to tell you this, but.." He let out an upset sigh. " The more that I wait, the more you're in danger. "

" What does all of this have to do with me? " I asked honestly confused.

" A lot..." Tyler went on. " That guy last night, the one I killed, his name was Steven. He works for someone that your.." He stopped, struggling with his words. What was so hard for him to tell me?

" My what? " I whispered impatiently.

" Your father Alex. Your father owes that guy a lot of money. And Steven was working for him." He said quickly, letting everything out. It took me a second to register his words. My father? I frowned a little. I couldn't believe what he was saying.

"So what does he want with me?" I asked once again, feeling my heart beat raise.

He stood up, nervously running his hand through his soft messy hair. " He wants you dead. " He groaned with an upset tone, walking towards the windows. I felt my heart stop dead in my chest when I heard what he just told me. I slowly leaned back on the couch, my mouth dropping a little. How is this possible?

The room was filled with silence for the next few minutes. "How much money does my father owe him? " I asked suddenly, braking the tense silence.

Tyler turned around, taking a deep breath. " Fifty millions."

I widen my eyes, not believing what I'm hearing. " Fifty millions?! "

" Yes." He answered slowly, walking towards the couch.

" How do you know about all of this?! "

"I'm part of that group.." He said with a low voice, now sitting next to me.

"A group? " I mumbled, feeling my eyes fill with tears.

Once again he had an apologetic look on his face. " A mafia. " He said clearly. Did I hear him right? My heart was now trying escape my chest, as I felt a weird turn in my stomach. Like someone punched me.

I stood up quickly, taking deep breaths. My hands were ice cold, and my cheeks were heating up. " You're part of a mafia? " I asked again, taking a few steps in the room, my voice shaky. I felt a few tears run down my cheeks. I didn't know if I was scared or mad at him.

" Yes... Look Alex, I didn't know who you were when we met. I found out about it before that dinner..- " He explained, looking more calmed.

" -What does this have to do with me?! " I hollered.

" It has everything to do with you! Your father's part of it! " Tyler barked back. My mouth dropped at his words. Was this possible? I got too many information in 5 minutes. I couldn't register all of it. Suddenly, all of the possible emotions crashed down on me. I broke down in tears. Not knowing what to do, I sat down, putting my hands on my mouth. My whole life, reality, everything was just a big fat lie!

Tyler, not knowing what to do, leaned closer to me, giving me a tight hug. For some reason I believed every single word that he said. Everything fell in the right piece. All of the questions about my fathers absence, the sudden leaving, rules, and lies, were now answered. A sudden thought came to my head. That dinner. Was it real?

I pulled away slightly, wiping my tears. " The partnership. That's a lie, isn't it? "

It took him a moment to answer. He looked upset too. " Well... they are partners. Just in a different kind of business. " He added.

I still had so much more to ask him. I took a few seconds to connect everything in my head. " You saved me... Why? " I suddenly asked, now looking at him.

" Did you really think I was gonna let him kill you? " He went on. " Besides, I fucked up. And Steven was the reason they found out. They were already after me."

" What did you do?" I said quietly.

He took a deep breath before he started talking. " I broke some rules." Tyler gave me a simple answer.

" There are rules? " I asked without thinking. But right after that, everything came to me clearly. The reason nothing could happen between me and Tyler was because of those exact rules. My father wanted me out of this dirty business, so he told me to stay away from his clients.

" Yes. Every group has different rules..For decades, those rules have remained the same." He added. " I broke one of the main ones... Every one of us works individually, but after the work's done, you have to share a percent with the others... I kept that percent for myself. "

"Are they gonna kill you if they catch you? " I couldn't believe those words came out of my mouth. That's something I never thought I would say...

He didn't say anything, just nodded slowly. How could I be so blind? My own father was lying to my face for years.

I quickly stood up, wanting to get out. The walls felt like they were closing up. I had to get out of this apartment. There's so much more that I need to know. Suddenly, I felt Tyler grabbing my wrist, making me turn around.

" Woah, where do you think you're going? " He said now looking at me with his dark brown eyes.

" I need to talk to my dad. I need to find him. " I panted, my eyes still filled with tears.

" You're not going anywhere. " He commanded. I felt my blood boil in my veins even more when I heard his demanding words.

I pulled away harshly, now feeling nothing but anger. He lied to me, played me, and now he has the guts to command me? " You can't tell me what to do!" I yelled, not knowing what else to say.

" Oh yeah? Well I think I just did! " He yelled back, sounding confident. I was to scared to stand up to him. It looked like he made his decision. I tried my best not to show him my fear.

" Why can't I leave? " I asked, making him glance back at me.

"Because if you step one foot out of this building alone, you're dead. And right after you, so am I." He groaned, sitting down on the couch. He didn't looked scared at all. He looked mad.

I slowly walked down the 2 steps that were separating the leaving room and the stairs hall. Sitting down next to him, I didn't take my eyes off him. I watched him put his hands together on his mouth, thinking.

" Who is that guy?" I asked again, taking him by surprise.

He looked at me like it was the last question he wanted me to ask. " Derek Malum. My uncle. "

I widen my eyes with even more confusion, if that's even possible. " Your uncle?! " I let out a little sigh before I stood up again, walking towards the windows. " Gosh, this is so fucked up..." I murmured, running my hands trough my hair.
"Your uncle..? I kept repeating. " H-he's after you and he wants you dead? " I turned around, as I glanced at him, crossing my arms.

" You have no idea what people are capable of when it comes to money. He would kill me without blinking. " He stated. I felt a cold tear run down my warm cheek. It's not easy for him either...

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