Chapter 27: Something about elevators...

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Alexa's POV

It's been an hour since I walked away on Tyler. Guilt was eating me alive. I shouldn't have. But if I didn't, I would've broke down in front of him. And I didn't want that. I didn't want him to see me cry. My god, this wasn't supposed to be like this. When I agreed on visiting this place with my family, I thought that I would finally get the time and chance to tell my father the truth about me and Tyler. But not like this. Not now.

I had my face buried into my hands, taking in deep breaths. I can't feel guilty forever. However, I'm right. If it wasn't for Tyler's history with Lora, non of this would've happened. I wiped my tears, taking a few last sobs before I got up from the bed. Walking to the mirror that was on the opposite wall, my makeup was a complete mess. I looked like crap. I gotta make this right. But not tonight. Tonight was supposed to be a special night for my father. A night where he meets his old friends that he didn't see in years and I wanted that for him. But now, everything was ruined.

More tears were threatening, but I took one deep breath and closed my eyes to keep myself together. Sitting down on the chair in front of the mirror, I took a tissue and wiped the watery mascara that was reaching half my cheeks. I re-did my makeup and finalized it with putting on my naked pink lip gloss. A unsettled sigh escaped me and I suddenly felt nervous. I knew that Tyler would be mad and me for leaving like that, and I had no idea where I was with him, but for some reason I felt anger towards him. I just couldn't stop connecting Lora with him.

I took my phone, stuffed it in my purse and walked outside. You can do this. I kept telling myself as I crossed the hallway and pressed the bottom to for the elevator. Glancing at the clock that was in the hallway, I noticed it was 10 pm. The night was still young and hopefully I can make up to Tyler. I can't be possibly mad at him. But I am. Gosh. I was driving myself crazy. I didn't know what to do. My room was at the top floor so it took a minute till the elevator doors opened and I felt myself relax when I saw that there was no one there. The elevator was empty. Good.

Walking in, I leaned on the mirror behind me, not wanting to look at myself right now. Not when I can't figure myself out. Pressing the bottom for the lobby, I noticed my breaths fasting up, cause I knew I had to face Tyler one way or another. But I had to find Liv. I had to talk to her about what happened, otherwise I would go insane. What about my father? He's gonna want to see me alone and there's no escaping that.

The elevator stopped making me confused, cause I wasn't at the lobby yet. It just started moving. The door opened and I gasped in surprise. Oh god, why?! It was Tyler. He was walking in, and even though he saw me, he showed no emotion. What surprised me tho is that he greeted me with a polite smile and stopped in the middle, turning his back on me. As soon as we started moving again, I took a step next to him, but he still showed no emotion.

"Going to the lobby, Miss Morgan?" Tyler asked, glancing at me. Oh, he's playing a game. The fact that he called me 'Miss Morgan' annoyed the shit out of me, making my cheeks heat up with anger. He was so immature. I can't believe he's playing games at a time like this.

I nodded, just wanting him to take his eyes off me. "What kind of a game are you playing, Tyler?" I asked with a cold tone, staring in front of me. It didn't take long till he answered.

"I'm not playing games. This ain't no playground." He answered, a smirk forming on his lips. I wanted to groan how angry I was at him right now. He wasn't even trying to be serious. He wasn't even trying to fix this.

"Tyler," I said with a warning tone, wanting him to stop.

"Alexa," He replayed. Oh my god. Is there an end to this? I studied his face carefully, trying to figure out what he's trying to do here, but he just stared in front of him, perfectly aware that he was annoying me. That cocky smirk was still there. Was he drunk?

"What are you trying to do?" I asked as anger was almost making my voice shake.

Tyler looked at me as his face turned serious. His eyes held a lot of emotion. Almost unreadable. Pain, hurt, love. "Isn't this what you wanted?" He asked after a minute. "You're the one that left."

I opened my mouth to say something, but it felt like my tongue was tied in a knot. Nothing came out. Suddenly the doors opened showing us that we arrived at the lobby, which was of course filled with people. But our gazes didn't brake. Tyler was still expecting an answer and I didn't have it for him. "You know perfectly well that this is not what I wanted," I said, feeling tears forming in the corners of my eyes. "So, I'm not gonna go along and play your stupid games." My voice was now shaky. I couldn't control myself, so I turned around and left him again.

He didn't care at all. He wasn't serious at all. It's like he wasn't even worried about us. I blended in the crowd, taking a drink from the small tray that the waiter was carrying. They were serving champagne which means the dinner was over. Good. I couldn't deal with that too. I picked a place that was the most crowed, leaning on a wall and taking a long sip from my drink. The taste was pinching down my throat, but I didn't care.

"Woah." I heard Liv's voice, making me face her. She was standing next to me, looking confused as fuck. "Take it easy, Calamity Jane." Her joke were usually funny, but I couldn't find the energy to laugh right now. "What happened?"

I wanted to tell her that I didn't want to talk about it, but I would lie if I did. I had to talk about it. I took another long sip, preparing myself, but I suddenly felt the glass being pulled away from my hand, almost making me spill the drink. I gave her a meaningful look, but I still could figure out her expression. She was worried for sure.

"Now you can go." She said, putting the glass on a small table next to us.


It took me about an hour to explain everything to Liv, and about 30 minutes to calm myself from crying. It was past 11, and Liv and I just got back inside cause she though that I needed some fresh air. She was right. I did. The party was coming to an end, and there weren't as much people as before. "Come on. Go to your room and get some rest. I need to find Jace and tell him that everything's okay first. I'll check up on you in a bit." She said, comforting me by making circular moves on my back. I nodded in understanding and tried offering a smile, but I failed miserably.

Liv left through one of the hallways, as I continued towards the elevator. I wasn't exhausted, I wasn't even tired. I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep anyways, but I just wanted to be alone for now. I untied my ponytail before, letting my dark hair fall down my arms. It was slightly wavy, covering the backless part of the dress, but I didn't care. I walked in the elevator, remembering what happened the last time I was in here. Sighing, I pressed the bottom, but before the doors closed completely, I saw a hand in between them, making them re-open.

It was Tyler. Again. But if he was planning on using his weird game method on me again, I wouldn't be able to take it. His hair was messed up, but once again he seemed calmed. He stepped in, next to me and pressed another bottom. "Fifth floor?" He asked, formally.

I sighed, calming myself. His 'formal' treatment, was driving me insane. I nodded, and after a second closed my eyes, trying to ignore the war of feelings that was going on in my mind. But there wasn't an end to it. "Enjoying your night, Miss Morgan?" I heard Tyler's voice, making me open my eyes. That's it. He want's a game, I'll give him a game.

"Very much," I stated, before adding. "Of course, until You came in." I said calmly, noticing that I surprised him. Good.

His eyes met mine and he took in one sharp breath before closing his eyes for a second, and then opening them again. "Good." He said, and smirked. However, it was a lie. I could see it in his eyes. I frustrated him. "Nice gentlemen out there, huh? Did you have enough fun?" His words first confused me, but then I remember talking to a guy before. Liv had to take a call, and he bumped into me, so he just apologized and offered a drink, but since drinking was 'forbidden', I said no. Nothing else happened.

Did Tyler watch me this whole time? I shook off the thought, and prepared myself for responding to his stupid statements. I knew what made him angry and since he was playing that card, I knew exactly how to fire back. "In fact I did. They were both really kind." I lied. There were no 'gentlemen' at all.

Tyler's eyes darken up with anger. Finally. I saw him clenching his jaw from the corner of my eyes, but I kept staring in front of me. Oh, he was right. This was fun. "You're good at playing your role. Really good." He said in one breath, but his voice was now different than before. It was deep and low, almost like he was talking to himself. The confidence was gone, so I accomplished my goal.

"Thank you, Mr. Adams. But I'm aware of that." I said, putting my hand on my chest in gratitude. He clenched his teeth, making his jawline move, just showing me that my 'role' had an effect on him. I blinked with my lashes a few times and gave him the most innocent look I could, even though my words were anything but.

Suddenly, his hand moved to mine, tightly gripping my wrist. I gasped in surprise when he pulled me closer to him, but his eyes never left mine. "You have no idea how much I'm fighting myself not to take you right here." He growled trough his teeth, his voice threatening sending shiver down my whole body. How was this possible? I was being a bitch to him, and that turned him on? But his tempted self looked so hot, making me think how good it feels being with him. However, from what I know, this could be just another way of him winning the game.

I couldn't find my voice to say anything, just stared back at his nut-brown eyes, feeling myself getting nervous. I knew how Tyler was when he wanted something. More correctly, he never waited for that something to come to him. He got it himself. He just seemed to get what he wants, and I was proving that right. I wanted him. Suddenly the doorbell rang, and I quickly snapped out of it, pulling my hand away from him. We were at the third floor and two women walked in, offering causal smiles. I did my best to act like nothing happened, but I could feel Tyler glancing at me from time to time.

After a few seconds we arrived at the fourth floor, and the women walked out as the tension was finally gone. The door closed, but before we could continue, Tyler pressed the bottom that was alone on the side, making the elevator stop. I used the wall to keep myself in balance from the sudden stopping, yet Tyler didn't seem to react at all.

"We're not done yet." He said, making me take an obvious breath in disbelieve. We were both annoying each other, so what else does he want? Cause he obviously just wanted to continue being a jerk.

"You just don't give up, do you?" I snapped at him, but before I could do anything, he took me by my wrists and pushed me back, so I'd hit the wall behind. I gasped in surprise. I didn't actually think that he wanted this.

He was looking at me like he was trying to figure me out. "You're perfectly aware that I get what I want, Alexa. Enough teasing for tonight." His breaths were short and sharp as he studied my whole face until he focused on my lips. I thought he was going to kiss me, but instead he moved closer to my ear and started whispering. "I think I made it clear enough that you're mine. I own you." His voice was raspy and unsettled, just like it was whenever he was tempted. "So save the act. I know you want this too." Our eyes met again, but I tried escaping eye contact with him as much as I could. Tyler was able to read me like an open book. And right now, that's not what I wanted.

But he was right. He owned me. This wouldn't have such an effect on me if he didn't. "You're highly mistaken." I lied, but surprised myself how confident I sounded. I tried pushing him away, but he had trapped me with his body against the wall, I could barely move at all.

His hand moved down my waist, until his fingers caressed my bare skin. This dress wasn't covering enough right now. His touch made every single atom of my body move uncontrollably leaving me breathless and needing more air. "Then prove me wrong." He said with a husky voice, distracting me from the fact that he was sliding his hand under my dress and up my tight. I was losing the game. And Tyler was aware of that.

He kept going until he reached my panties and gently caressed my weak spots. I could practically feel my heart in my throat and it felt like it would explode any second now. I bit my lip to keep the moan that was trying to escape me, when I felt his hand move to my behind, squeezing it. That just turned him on, but I wasn't even trying to. The good thing was though, that we felt the same right now. "Fuck, Alexa," He growled out in disbelieve cause I didn't have the intention to admit it to him.

Within seconds he crossed the small space between us, leaving unfinished moist kisses on my lips, but I couldn't keep up with it. Tyler groaned against my lips, going down my jawline until he reached my neck. I finally let myself to him, feeling his soft hair under my fingers as his kisses traveled far below my neck, kissing my chest. "Tyler," His name flew out unconsciously. His moves were fast, like he was holding himself together this whole time, but now he was letting it all out. My hands moved to his shirt, undoing the buttons, but before I could finish up, my dress was quickly stripped down, completely exposing me to him.

His lips took over mine again, and just like many times, my mind was blank. It felt like there was no one on this world but us. Like all the clocks in the world have stopped and our love was timeless. No keeping hands to ourselves, no words, no decisions.


I blinked my eyes open to the annoying sound of the alarm clock. Frowning, I snoozed it, trying to adjust my eyes on the unbelievable brightness. I still wasn't aware where I was when my smile almost reached my ears. Glancing to my side, I noticed that there was no one there. Just the messed up sheets.

Tyler's clothes were gone and so was he. Jerking myself up, I noticed a note on his pillow. Unfolding it, I read it carefully, but that just caused my cheeks to heat up with embarrassment. Thank god no one got in here before me. On the piece of paper I was holding were some pretty dirty stuff that were maybe a common for Tyler, but still inappropriate. I put my hand on my cheek, continuing until I read, 'Call me after breakfast. You know I love you.' Even though I was alone in the room, I covered the blush on my cheeks with both my hands. But the smile never left my face.

He set the alarm for me, late enough for me to get enough sleep, yet early not to miss the breakfast. I knew about the meeting this morning because my father told me the 'meeting schedule'. After taking a shower and dressing up in a black skirt and a formal white shirt, I did my hair and makeup and took everything I needed with me, before leaving my room for breakfast.

The elevator just brought some memories from last night, but I was texting Liv, so it felt like seconds till I arrived in the lobby. Walking outside, I felt like I could fly. Finally, no problems. Hopefully after yesterday, my dad would be understanding enough to let us be. Lifting my gaze up from my phone, I stopped frozen to my spot when I saw who was at the reception. My body went numb and I almost dropped everything that I was holding. No, no, no. God, please just not him.

The man with dark slick hair was kindly talking to the receptionist, his attention on her, but when he turned to talk to the guy next to him, his face was completely exposed to me. Derek. It was him. My heart stopped dead in my chest, and even though he was on the other side of the room and wasn't even looking at me, I felt all the pain that he cause rushing back to me. All the thing that he did, and everything that happened because of him was slowly flying back to me. He was here for me. He was back for all of us. 

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