Chapter 22: Love is thicker than water

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  The week passed by and every second felt like torture. It helped visiting my mom's grave, but Tyler was still the only thing on my mind. I kept struggling with myself, trying to find a way to let go, cause I knew that this was the end. I have sworn that I won't let myself into his arms again, because every time I do, it feels like he'll eventually push me away. Like he would cause me the same pain again, and I am not planning on getting hurt again. I kept saying that I won't let myself fall apart because of him, but he already had me scattered in pieces and the pain in my heart was indescribable. This was a modern fairy tale and there were no happy endings, so I should've known better than to fall for him so badly.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed on the nightstand interrupting my thoughts. I've been laying on my bed since I got home from school cause I was to exhausted to do anything else. Liv was calling me. She got back in South Hills two days ago and ever since she's been managing to make me laugh somehow, distracting me from my thoughts. I told her everything, finally having someone close to talk to. Even though Trevor had been checking up on me from time to time, I still didn't have that closeness with him. Plus he was Tyler's friend too, and I've heard that Tyler has been trying to get in contact with me again, but I just ignored his calls and texts.

Picking up, Liv didn't even wait for me to say anything. "Hey babe," She said and it was obvious that she was trying to sound casual and take my mind off stuff.

"Hey." I said as a small smile appeared on my lips.

"Okay, so about the party, I was thinking we should get ready at your place, but on the other hand, I've got all the makeup here, so-" Liv rambled on, before I interrupted.

I sigh. "Liv, I told you, I'm not going to the party." I said with an annoyed tone. She's been making plans and begging me to go since she came back. Apparently, it would 'help me heal'. But I didn't see the point.

"No, no, no," She said quickly. "I don't want to hear it, Alex. You're going."

"Well then you're gonna have to drag me, cause I'm not going there willingly." I said in protest like a little kid. I was serious though. There's no way I'm going.

She took a deep breath. "What is with you and these parties? What have they ever done to you?" She mumbled, making me chuckle.

"Parties haven't done anything to me. But someone 'who shall not be named' has, and he'll be there." I said looking at my fingers. "I mean, seriously Liv? Do you really think that I can party like that after this? Max is one of his best friends and he's throwing the party."

"Look, Alex, I can't make you go, okay? But it's for your own good. I've already talked to Jace, and Tyler won't even be there. Apparently, he had some 'things' to do." I gulped when I heard his name. I tried avoiding anything that reminds me of him lately, but Liv obviously didn't even register what she said.

There was a moment where I though of going, but no. No, I can't. I knew that I'll see him if I go, so I quickly snapped out of it. "No, Liv the point is, I don't feel like partying right now. I just want to stay home, read my book and go to bed early."

I heard her sigh in annoyance from the other line. "Fine grandma, you can stay home and read your book. But don't come to me when you kill yourself with overthinking."

I rolled my eyes. "Thank you. And by the way, that made no sense at all." I said in a ironic tone as I heard her chuckle from the other side.

"Okay, you can make fun of me. I'll still be here if you change your mind. I'll probably won't go either." She said a little more serious now. When Tyler and I started dating, a week after, she and Andrew broke up. It was painful for her at the beginning too, but she's been saying that she's fine. I knew that was just an act though. It's been a month and a half now, and I knew that if she didn't go, it would be because of Andrew.

"Okay, thanks. Bye now, I'm gonna go take a shower." I told her.

"K, bye," Liv said before hanging up. I felt like an invisible force was holding me pinched on the bed. But I needed to take a shower and wash away this whole day of torture.


After taking a shower, I did as I said. I read a book in my bed, ignoring the noise that was coming from Matt's room. He had his 'gang' over, and the sound of the annoying virtual video game guns was banging in my ears, distracting me. I stood up, walking towards the door to tell them to keep it down when I heard the doorbell. In the hallway I heard Matt yell. "Alex, get the door!"

I rolled my eyes, walking down the stairs. "Yeah, who else." I mumbled to myself. Opening the door, I gasped in surprise. It was Liv. "Liv?" I said and looked down at her hands, realizing she was carrying a bag full of clothes. "Oh, no," I said in disbelief as she made her way in. "You didn't."

"Oh, come on Alex, you didn't really think I was gonna let you stay home on a Friday night?" She said making her way upstairs. I sigh. I knew I had no chance against her. Okay, I guess we're going to a party.


The music was so loud, I could hear it all the way from the second floor, and the party was on the sixth. It didn't surprise me though. Max was known for throwing the best parties in town. I tried my best to be careful and not trip in my heels. I was wearing a halter black and white dress, along with black heels and a small handbag. Liv over sprayed me with her perfume, saying I never used any. I used perfumes. It was just one kind actually, but that's because it was my favorite. Jasmine.

The elevator was full with a bunch of guys and girls; some making out, some giggling, and I think one was even smoking. I was just glad that we were finally out. The music was pounding through the speakers, making my throat buzz and the place didn't look anything like an apartment. There was no furniture, just a medium sized bar on one side, and the rest of the large space was filled with people mostly dancing their night away. The first thing Liv did when we walked in was pulling me towards the bar.

"What will you have?" She asked before leaning on the bar and waiting for the bartender to take our order.

"Water, please." I said, sitting on one of the chairs and searching the room with my eyes. I was serious though, I didn't want to drink tonight.

"Shh," Liv said loudly as she turned around and fleshed a flirty smile at the guy. "Two jack and cokes, please."

"Liv-" I tried saying, but she cut me off.

"Oh, come on, Alex. Don't be such a baby. I promise this will help." Liv said over the music.

I rolled my eyes. I wasn't going to drink it anyway. After a few minutes, Liv's been observing the whole place, while tapping with her fingertips on the wooden bar and moving her hips following the beat. I, on the other hand, was on my phone, scrolling down social media, killing time. "Thank you." Liv said as soon as she saw the bartender put down our drinks. He returned the flirty smile and I gotta admit, he was kinda cute, but Liv was too obvious.

"I see you're drunk already." I said, looking over my phone.

She sigh in annoyance and took the phone from my hands, putting it in her handbag. "We're here to have fun, remember? You're allowed to drink, dance your ass off, and have sex with whoever you want." A small curl appeared on her lips as she was looking at the bartender, who now wasn't paying attention.

"No, thank you." I said raising my eyebrows, and leaning on the bar.

"Ooh," Liv said with a squeaky voice, making me jump slightly. She was too close, almost yelling in my ear. "That's Noah King." She slightly pointed at a guy with dark hair and blue eyes, on the other side of the bar. I turned around and studied him carefully.

"I've never seen that guy in my life." I said honestly.

Liv rolled her eyes. "That's because he's a few years older. I wanna talk to him." She said anxiously.

"Well then talk to him." I returned simply, gesturing towards him as I took a sip from my drink, forgetting that it was alcohol. Ugh. The burning liquid flew down my throat, and I instantly wished I didn't drink it.

"Yeah, I can do that." She said mostly to herself. "How do I look?" He went through her blonde hair with her fingers.

I looked at her, even though her makeup and hair was perfect. "The same as you left." I said calmly, returning to my drink. In a few seconds, she was already gone and I was sitting on the chair, looking around. I just wanted to see a familiar face, and maybe there was still a part of me hoping to see that one really familiar face.

From the corner of my eye, I saw someone sitting down next yo me and turning around, I saw Trevor. "Hey," I said instantly, as a smile appeared on my face.

He chuckled. "I see you've got to the partying stage."

"Liv made me come." I said honestly, leaning my head on my hand.

"Ah, but you're still here." He said, making me smile again. "Wanna grab a few more drinks? It's on me?" He asked, gesturing to his now empty glass. Without thinking, I downed the rest of mine, almost gagging from the burning alcohol and placed the glass back down. Trevor then ordered a bunch of shots and another run of jack and cokes. Liv was now lost in the crowd, probably dancing the night away with her prince Noah.

Trevor and I separated the shots up evenly between the two of us. Downing the shots, the alcohol hit me a lot faster than Trevor, making my vision blurry and my head slightly fuzzy. The both of us talked all the time, falling into a deep conversation, yet switching the subject every few minutes. Our minds weren't able to stick to one. I could feel my body and mind slowly relaxing, forgetting about everything that happened in the past week. We laughed about the stupidest nonsense for the past half hour until Trevor got a little serious. "Would you like to, maybe dance with me?" He asked out of nowhere, reaching a hand for me as the smile was still on both our faces.

I put my hand in his, putting my handbag down on the bar. "I would love to," I said over the music, as a chuckle escaped Trevor.

We walked to the dance floor, making our way in the enormous crowd. Instead of pulling me close to him, like Tyler used to do, Trevor was barely even touching me. Almost like he had no idea what to do next. "Do you know how to dance?" I asked, smiling at him brightly, and taking his hands in mine. I knew he was tense.

"Can you teach me?" He returned with a question. I didn't really think, but the alcohol was surely popping in my head. I took his hands, placing them on my waist as he was now more relaxed and allowed me to do it. Turning around, I leaned into him slightly, starting to make a slow rhythm with my hips. I could feel his body completely relaxed behind me, both of us following the beat of the music. I leaned my head back on his chest, closing my eyes and letting myself drawn in the moment, once again, not having a single worry on my mind.

I felt him burring his head in my neck slightly, as my hand moved to his hair. I don't know why though. Turning around, now facing him, I could feel his warm breath against my lips. The alcohol was running through my veins, and now every each one of my numb senses were telling me to kiss him. Suddenly, I could feel a distinct cologne taking over. I knew the smell. It was very much familiar to me, but I knew it wasn't Trevor. He wasn't wearing cologne tonight.

Before I could even figure out the smell, I felt someone's arms pulling me from behind and practically throwing me in the crowd. My vision still wasn't stable as I felt I was in some strangers arms, holding me so I wouldn't loose balance. I glanced at the place where we were dancing, just to see Tyler's fist harshly launch in Trevor's nose, slightly swinging him on the side.

Tyler grabbed his shirt, as another punch was followed by that. They barreled through the crowd, making the people move on the side. I covered my mouth with my hands, not knowing what to do. "Tyler, stop!" I yelled walking closer, but I couldn't reach out to him. They both exchanged a few punches, but Tyler was far ahead, beating Trevor to a bloody pulp.

Suddenly, Max and Jace showed up from the crowd, and quickly tried lifting Tyler off Trevor, but it seemed like a struggle since he was showing an unbelievable aggression towards Trevor. They finally managed to pull him away, as Liv made her way through the crowd with a shocked expression on her face. "What the hell happened?!" She yelled over the music, waiting for me to answer, but I was to stressed looking at Trevor's now bloody nose as more blood was gushing down his mouth. On the other hand Tyler looked completely fine; just a small bruise on his right cheek.

Trevor was now standing up as Max was trying to hold him away from Tyler, who was also pulling away from Jace's arms. "That's enough, Tyler!" Jace yelled, making him stop. Tyler gave him the most murderous look before he shoved him away, turning around as his eyes searched the room for me, until they met mine. I knew my eyes were wide in fear, but I was actually really angry on the inside. He gave me a look that I couldn't figure out, mostly anger in his eyes, as he pushed his way through the people, walking in a door across the staircase. No one saw him though, cause everyone's attention was now on the beaten up Trevor, who looked like he couldn't even stand on his feet.

Liv and I rushed over at them, as the 'audience' was now back on their drinking and dancing. The guys were holding him, as a shaky sigh escaped me. "Oh no, this is bad, this is s-" I said, lifting his chin with my finger and looking at his bruises. Jace interrupted me.

"We might have to take him to the hospital." He said, looking at Trevor's nose that now looked broken.

Trevor snapped out of it, trying to push them away but he was still weak. "No, I'm fine." He said.

"But-" Max tried saying, but he was interrupted.

"I said I'm fine." Trevor said, pulling away from them. I looked at him as alcohol felt like it was now long gone from my system, and gave him an apologetic look, but he seemed understandable. "Go," He gestured with his head, as I could barely hear him from the loud music and yelling. "I'm fine." He confirmed, making sure I knew he was okay. But he wasn't, I knew it.

"We can handle this." Liv whispered to my ear, giving me a slight push. It's like they all knew that I wanted to give Tyler a piece of my mind right now. How could he do this?! How ruthless was he? Trevor and the others made their way towards the bar, as I pushed through the crowd and towards the door that I saw Tyler walk in.

Without even knocking, I stormed in, finding myself in a bedroom while Tyler was in the middle of the room. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You almost killed him!" I yelled, slamming the door behind me as the music got muted.

"Yeah, I should have!" He returned, surprising me with his anger. I've never seen him this angry before.

I widen my eyes in shock, but that didn't stop me from returning. "What the fuck Tyler?! What did he ever do to you?" I said.

He looked like he didn't know what to say, but anger was still the only emotion I could recognize in his eyes. "Don't provoke me Alexa! Just go. I can't fight with you right now." He said, nervously going through his hair with his hand.

"No Tyler! You can't just show up after a week and beat the crap out of someone for no reason!" I protested, gesturing with my hand behind me.

He widen his eyes in what seemed shock, and now looked even more angrier. "Oh, I'm showing up after a week? I've been trying to reach you this whole time, feeling guilty for something I didn't even do, while you went and fucked him the moment we broke up!" He shouted. His vocabulary was very colorful and also not true at all.

I took a breath, feeling the tears fill my eyes. He went to far. "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked honestly.

"Please, don't play dumb, Alexa. The moment we broke up, you went straight at his place and spent the fucking night with him." He said through his teeth.

I stopped for a moment, confused from his words. "How did you know I spent the night at his place?" I asked without thinking.

I swear I saw hurt in his eyes for a second when he heard me confirm this, but he quickly shook it off. Taking his phone from his pocket, he glanced at it for a second and then handed it over to me. "How the fuck is this true? Why?" He said mostly to himself, as his voice was sounding upset and frustrated. I looked at his phone, finding myself staring at a picture of me and Trevor getting out of his building, and walking towards his car. Small numbers in the left corner of the picture were showing the date when the picture was taken.

"Tyler, I did spent the night at his place. But nothing happened, I swear." I said, having the urge to explain myself, even though I did nothing wrong. "How did you even get this?" I asked, confused from the picture in his phone.

"Lora saw you two walking out, and she was kind enough to tell me the real truth." He returned quickly, and as soon as I heard his words, I felt my eyes getting watery again. I can't believe that he actually thinks this is true.

I chuckled in irony. "Oh, right. Lora. I should've known what this was all about." I said, mostly to myself. It was still pretty loud though.

It's like he snapped at my words again. "What the fuck does she have to do with all of this?!" He shouted, but it didn't take me long till I returned with the same tone.

"She has everything to do with this!" I yelled as I went on. "She's the reason why we broke up!" I added, feeling the unbelievable pain just talking about it. I knew I shouldn't have came to this party. Why would I even believe that he wouldn't be here? Max was one of his best friends and this was one of the biggest parties of the year. Of course he wouldn't miss it.

Tyler put his hands on his face, turning around and then messed his hair even more. "You know, I can't believe that I actually felt guilty for all of this. I can't believe that this whole time I've been trying to fucking prove to you that it's not true!" He said, making me slightly jump. It wasn't because of the fact that he was loud, but for the fact that he actually said that. Was I not worth fighting for?

It's like all the emotions had stumbled inside my heart, finally releasing the tears from my eyes. I couldn't fight it anymore. "And I can't believe that I actually loved you!" I yelled with a shaky voice, as he froze on his spot from my words. I turned around and left the room, not wanting to deal with it right now. I didn't care anymore. I couldn't stand his crap anymore. He just couldn't stop until I was in tears, could he?   

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