Chapter 7

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As Marlon drives, they think of a plan to get to New York, fast. As they drive they enter into a dessert like place. About a mile ahead of them there is a big setup with cameras, cars, and body guards. "Hey pull over there." Jenna says. She gets out of the car and is immediately stopped by a body guard. "Excuse me. You can't be....." the guard stops talking. Jenna is still dressed in the outfit she wore to the bar. She rolls her eyes. Suddenly she sees Pitbull and J-lo "Well yes I can. Can't you tell I'm in this music video." Jenna says sassily. "Sorry miss." The guard says and moves out of the way. Jenna flips her hair and calls for Marlon, "Let's go Marlon, I need MY body guard for this shindig." Marlon flexes and follows. Pitbull is drinking water and waiting for the next scene. J-lo is dancing and singing. Jenna taps Pitbull on the shoulder. "Heyyy Mami!" He says hugging her. He remembers her from the Fireball music video. Jenna realizes that because he is so rich he must have a pirvate jet. " Hey can you so me a favor?" Jenna asks. He pulls her aside and Jenna explains their situation. "Of course Mami, as long as you're in this video with me, I'll get you a plane right away." Jenna agrees and puts on the outfit handed to her. They shot the scene and a plane is called. It lands 2 miles from the video shoot. Jenna says goodbye to Pitbull and thanks him. They jump in the stolen car and drive out to the plane. The flight attendant welcoms them aboard and their off to New York City!

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