Chapter 6: My Protector

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"Lucy...come on Lucy, come with me."


"Come live with me, they don't want you."

"I can't leave my family."

"They aren't your family Lucy, not anymore."

"Well, they still love me, I can't just leave them."

"Do they? Lucy if they loved you, why are they keeping you from me? Come with me, I can give you the

life you always dreamed of. You can be free."

"Maybe they wouldn't miss me."

"Come with me Lucy," he leaned down and pushed her hair aside.

Lucy heard growling, but didn't connect it until it was to late, a wolf bit into her neck.


Lucy jolted away in a sweat and noticed a shadow move in her room. She leaned over and lit a candle.

"Hello?" she called looking around her darkly lit room.

All she could see were the shadows of the branches from the moon lights glow. She saw her door creek open and she blew her candle out and pulled the covers over her head. The floor boards squeaked with each step they took. The bed moved to one side with the weight that was displaced beside Lucy; a hand reached for the covers and Lucy held her breath.


Lucy exhaled and lifted the covers. "Brandon, what are you doing in my room?"

"I heard you moaning, I thought you might have been having a bad dream," he said running his hand across her face.

She pulled away and rolled over facing away from him, "I'm fine."

"Lucy, can you just please except the fact that I'm engaged?"

"No, because if you really loved me, you wouldn't be marrying Sarah, you wouldn't care what your dad thinks."

"It isn't just that, it's complicated," he said looking away from her.

"Just leave Brandon; if you can't tell me the truth then I don't want to marry you."

Brandon sighed and got up to walk out; when he got to the door he paused and looked back at her. He closed the door and went back to his own room.

Lucy rolled onto her back looking up at the ceiling and decided she couldn't sleep; she got out of bed and climbed out her window and up the ladder to the roof. The moon was waning and the clouds were hanging over it like a thick blanket. The summer was coming to an end; the wind had a chill to it and the leaves on the trees were fading to an autumn brown color.

Lucy felt someone looking at her and couldn't shake the feeling; she looked around but saw nothing in the shadows of the trees. She heard movement in the woods below but it couldn't be the wolves, the moon wasn't full. Lucy looked over the edge of the roof and saw Mia looking up at her.

"Mia, what are you doing here?"

The husky looked up at her and whimpered. She leapt onto a surface of the porch and then onto the ladder and climbed her way up.

"Mia, where is James? Why aren't you with him?"

"I missed you."

Lucy's eyes grew wide and she looked down at Mia who put her head back on Lucy's lap.

"Did you say something?" Lucy asked somewhat scared of the answer.

Mia whined and let out a small bark.

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