1 - Flame

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I guess everything started the day I met Flame...

I yawned and rubbed my eyes, another day at school. As I got up out of bed, I sighed. The floor was ice against my feet. That sensation bringing me out of the dream state and back to reality. 

Out of my window, Richmond looked dreary and slick after the rain that had poured all over Victoria last night. It always seemed funny to me that I shared my name with the state. Funny in the strange and annoying way of course. 

Clouds still hung heavy in the sky, obscuring my view of the city and matching my mood.

It was tiring getting up this morning after sleeping in the entire holidays. I had stayed up so late every night watching movies with my mum. I regretted that now even if it was fun.

I took off my warm pyjamas hesitantly. I then slowly put on a cold pink long-sleeved shirt, black jeans and a black coat. I combed my short black hair using a mirror trying to get it under control. I stood there gazing into my eyes. They were purple like two gemstones had been placed on my face that contrasted against my deep skin. It was something strange that ran in my family and would turn heads on the street not to mention what it did at school. 

They came from my dad and although I wished I had my mother's warm brown eyes that melded into her complexion so perfectly. I shook my head trying to rid myself of those useless thoughts. "Victoria you're going to be late!" called my mother. 

I quickly rushed out of my room and down the stairs. My mum was there with my school bag and some toast. I couldn't help but smile. 

"Thank you," I said as I took the toast and bag from her and gave her a hug. She smiled at me as I rushed out of the door, cramming the toast into my mouth. It was nice and warm against the coldness of winter. My little brothers were already halfway down the street.

"Wait!" I called as I ran after them, bag banging against my back. They started running themselves obviously to evade me. My body screamed at me unwilling to run after just waking up. 

My brothers were often mistaken for twins and wouldn't correct people despite their four year age gap. They were united as a team which got them through a lot of things like being bullied but inconveniencing me was also a team sport for them. They too had the hauntingly purple eyes. 


I was innocently putting my bag into my locker when I felt someone shove me into my locker, hard. My head hit the shelf and stars danced around my eyes for a moment. Rubbing my forehead, I quickly turned my head to see Frank's ugly face.  He claimed that he was some kind of exorcist and that I was an evil purple-eyed witch. Bullying me was his way of exorcising me and his popularity made the whole school turn against me like a curse. His black hair hung into his eyes which were so full of hate. He slammed the locker into me then walked off saying "Later purple-eyed freak."

I groaned in pain and looked around for someone to help but the girls at the other side of the hall avoided eye contact and darted away. In Frank's direction. A real Hero he was.

Pulling myself out of the locker and rubbed my back, I will get an ugly bruise there. Not to mention my head. I sighed then got my books out of my locker. The other people in the hall gave me strange looks as I walked down it. Despite the bullying, the loneliness would get to me most. Even just one friend would have made the biggest difference. No one will be seen with me and the teachers can't force them to even though they feel sorry for me. There is nothing that can be done about the bullying either, I've spoken to every teacher that would listen. They promise things and nothing would ever come of it. Moving didn't make much difference either. This was my third school.

I try not to think about it, I know that one day they will regret it. They'll realise bullying someone just for the way they look is cruel and they were cruel. Though I wasn't holding out for any apologies  I walked into the classroom and put my books down. The students already in there stared at me. "What?" I muttered to myself "I walk into this classroom every day."

They looked away but began murmuring things like 'freak' and 'weirdo'. dotted within very pointed sentences. I picked up my book Inheritance and started to read that. Reading is the only escape I get from my horrid school life that I don't get told off for. I wish my life could be like the one of a fantasy book character's, full of adventure and friendship but no my life is full of bullies, hatred and annoying little brothers.

The bell rang and more students came pouring in through the door. I heard the teacher walked in. I closed my book and looked up. My lovely homeroom teacher Mrs May, her brown hair pulled back into a high bun but not a sloppy bun a proper ballerina bun. She has a very kind face like a mother. "Good morning," she greeted us with a smile.

The other students sat down and were quiet. "Today we have a new student," she announced, "his name is Flame."

What kind of a name is that? Who calls their kid flame? In food technology, the teacher would say 'Remember to put the pan on the flame, oh not you Flame the one on the oven.'

A boy walked into the room. My question was answered, my eyes were instantly drawn to his hair which was like fire leaping from his scalp. Vibrate orange that faded into red. He was clearly strong and filled out his leather jacket very nicely even if the muted black seemed like a contrast to his hair. I sighed, I could wish that we could be friends or that he would even talk to me but there was no doubt that Frank would sink his fangs into Flame. He looked over the classroom but his eyes rested on me. I averted my eyes knowing exactly what had caught his attention.

"Flame, honey would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" asked Mrs May.

"No," Flame replied in a dull tone.

"Ok then," Mrs May said sounding a bit offended "You can sit next to Victoria."

Mrs May gestured to the empty seat next to me.

"She might curse him," someone muttered under their breath. Mrs May gave them a stern look. Flame took no notice of them, walked over and sat down next to me.

"Dude, don't sit next to that weirdo come sit over here," said the same boy.

Flame turned his head toward that boy and gave him the scariest glare I have ever seen. I mentally laughed as the boy shivered looking so uncomfortable he pressed his lips firmly together. Flame turned his head back to me and said, "I gather that you are not liked at this school."

"Yeah," I replied sadly, he was quick to pick that up but I guess it's kind of obvious. 

"Then we should get on just fine," he said with a tiny smile.

Meow Myths,

I'm Sarah Doyle. I really hope you liked the first chapter. This book needed some help so I have started to edit it. If you're a returning reader I hope you like the changes.

Feel free to tell me something about yourself or just something you liked from this chapter. I always read comments and I'll reply to them. Also, don't forget to vote

Edited 15/5/2016

Edit 2 24/2/2020

Meow for now

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