2 - A Friend?

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"So why did you come to this school?" I asked Flame trying to make conversation with him so things wouldn't be awkward... well that's what I've seen other people do I've never really had any experience awkward situations since I'm so familiar with anyone who would dare to speak to me.

"Well the v ... I mean there were some people in my town that I didn't like," he replied simply.

That's kind of odd to move town just because you didn't like the people there. He seemed to be holding back a lot so I assumed it was intense hate. I could understand as people treated me the same way, though I had moved and nothing changed. I hoped that things would be better for Flame here. Though I doubted it. He was going to have to choose Frank or become like me. Though even the other people bullied by Frank were scared of me.

"You couldn't have picked a worse school to come to," I told him softly though I knew those around us were listening closely.

"Why is it so bad?" he asked.

"Frank, you'll meet him very soon I'm sure. He kind of runs the school and the colour of my eyes seem to offend him. He might even try something with you because of your hair."

Flame snorted in a laughing matter then said "I'd like to see him try."

I opened my mouth to warn Flame but the bell cut me off. "Can you show me where the science rooms are?" he asked me.

"Sure," I said with a smile then picked up my books. It was so incredibly strange for someone to be asking for my help.


I yawned and looked up at the clock. 10:10 am. Only five more minutes until recess, this class was really boring and a bunch of Frank's friends were glaring at me the whole time. Surely they would have something better to do, I guessed they were salty that someone actually talking to me. Flame. He had shown me a basic human kindness that was so missing for so long it made me feel all warm inside even if it was really sad to say. I sighed and looked back at my books. There were now two people in this school who wouldn't make fun of my eyes. The first being my little brother Jake and the second Flame. Well, I don't think he will but then again Frank could make him hate me. They are in the same science class but I hope that he doesn't it would be nice to have one friend.

Maybe Flame had dealt with bullies before; he did say he moved because of people in his town. The people that Flame dealt with must have been really bad for him to do that. It could have been a bad area too. Flame did look like he could win a few fights.

The bell rang. I quickly wrote down my homework in my school diary and gathered my books. Carrying my books, I walked quickly out of the classroom before Frank's friends could do anything to me. Thankfully they didn't notice me leave they were too busy ... being idiots and making a lot of noise. They are friends with Frank it's only natural for them.

As I walked down the hallway someone must have stuck out their foot because I tripped over and fell flat on my face, my books flying everywhere. I could hear people laughing at me; I groaned my nose really hurt but maybe I should just stay down if I get up people will laugh at me even more at my pain.

"Need some help?" I heard Flame's voice.

I looked up at him and smiled but he jumped a little. "Victoria, you're bleeding," he said.

I felt my face; my nose was bleeding quite a lot. Blood had dripped all the way down to my chin. No wonder he jumped. I held my nose and ran into the girl's bathroom. I grabbed a bunch of toilet paper and pressed it to my nose. At least the pain in my nose had drowned out the pain in my back and forehead. The new term was having a rough and frankly painful start. It was embarrassing too, right in front of Flame. He probably thought I was really lame now. For some reason that made me sad though it shouldn't because everyone else thought I was cursed.

Once my nose had stopped bleeding I threw the toilet paper in the bin and walked out of the bathroom. Flame was out there he had most of my books. I was so flattered. He was still there and didn't ditch me. It made me smile but then I saw the book that was still on the floor. My journal! What was worse was that Frank had just picked it up. I held back a scream. But Flame saw that he had done that and walked over to him.

"Hey that's Victoria's give it to me," Flame said.

"Why do you want it?" asked Frank.

"So I can give it back to her it's her book after all," Flame told Frank sounding a little annoyed.

"Oh it's her's huh, well then let's take a look," said Frank as he opened my journal up.

It had all my personal thoughts and feelings in it. Every time I really need to vent while at school I would angrily spew my thoughts into that book. And there Frank is opening up for even more fuel to bully me with. But what I could I do about it? There is no way I could get him to give it back to me. I could feel the tears start to well up in my eyes when Flame said, "this is your last and first warning; give it back now and I won't pound you into the ground."

Frank just laughed at him. It did look like Frank would win a physical contest against Flame as Frank towered over him.

"Fine have it your way," growled Flame.

Flame punched Frank in the stomach. The punch had incredible power as it sent Frank flying down the hallway, knocking him on his ass. Flame walked over and took the journal from his hands. Frank put up no resistance. One punch and Frank had given up no wonder Flame had laughed when I told him about Frank. All the people in the hallway looked terrified. Flame looked up and they all ran away quickly.

Flame walked over to me, he gave my books back and I stammered "Th....thank you."

"If he ever tries anything like that again I will not let him forget it," said Flame.

I felt kind of scared "Would you ever do that to me?"

He laughed and said "Why would I hurt a friend?"

Edited 31/3/2015

Edit 2 26/2/2020

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