15 - Flame at my window

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"Hello everyone I am you new maths teacher since your regular teacher is ... sick. My name is Mr Pan. Now please opened to page 128 read it and please start the exercise, if you have any questions please put up your hand and I will come and explain what needs to be explained to you," Mr Pan introduced. 

I looked at him in shock, he spotted me and smiled his green eyes sparkled. Wow, this guy is everywhere. Am I being stalked? For some reason I didn't feel in danger around him. He must be some kind of myth, probably not a werewolf or a vampire because Flame would have said something. But there was just something off about him. Though he had such an inviting nature, for sure he was something supernatural. I will ask him. I put up my hand and he came over on his crutches.

"Yes Victoria what is the problem?" he asked.

"Are you a mythical creature?" I asked him, my voice falling into a hush.

He didn't seem at all surprised or shocked about the questions he just smiled then whispered, "You are almost ready."

He then when back to his desk. Thanks for answering my question.... I opened up my book and started the exercise. It seemed these myths didn't like to give away answers so easily. Though I admitted defeat and continued my maths work I was still just as determined. Perhaps this just wasn't the right environment to be asking those kinds of questions.


I met Griffin and Flame at my locker. "Mr Pan is my new maths teacher which is weird because my old maths teacher was perfectly fine. Do you guys know anything about Mr Pan?" I asked.

"Who's that?" they both asked at the same time.

I sighed. So they don't know somehow. I guess it was a long shot thinking I could just get easy answers out of them.

"Hey guys this guy and his friends said they'd give me a tour of the school since you two are too lazy to give me one so bye," Griffin said and walked off suddenly.

Flame let out a sigh of relief, "Finally that idiot is gone, I can't believe Alpha Talon would choose Griffin to protect me, wouldn't it be more like the other way around?"

Flame sounded pretty angry and annoyed to have a body guard like Griffin. I hugged him and whispered in his ear, "Don't worry about it."

He smiled at me, his face softening, "ok I won't."

I smiled back and felt myself blush. Flame hugged me back really tight. That familiar warmth spread between us, the kind I could only feel from Flame. It was addictive.

"You are so cute you know that right?" he whispered.

"And you are hot in nearly every sense of the word," I whispered back snuggling into him. His over-powering body heat warmed my soul. Usually school would be a constant cause of stress and fear but I could not feel more at peace in Flame's arms.


In my next class I was alone with Flame. We sat close together at the back of the classroom. Under the table our fingers were interlocked together so no one could see. People still did stare at us but I could not care less, I had Flame now. 

None of those idiots could hurt me!

Flame had called me his mate, I didn't understand fully what that meant. I know enough about werewolves to know he wasn't just calling me his friend. Or in some contexts in Australia mate means you're annoyed at someone. Though the term is usually used by older Australians or bogans. The werewolf meaning of the word was more mate-for-life or soulmate.

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