Chapter 9: Goodbye

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Selena left the room to go and speak to Ed who was staying in the room next door as I stayed put on the floor, contemplating whether or not this was a good idea.

She walked in with a worried look on her face.

“Uh Tay.. Ed’s gone?”

“What do you mean gone? I saw him 10 minutes ago”

“Well his room is empty and his bags are gone, I guess he’s going back to England” 

“But we’re in the middle of a tour?” 

I stood up and ran next door, to see a note on his bedside table, rushing to open it and ripping it as I tried, I finally managed to open it up to reveal Ed's messy scrawl.


theres really no other way for me to say this but, I quit.

I quit the tour and I quit this little 'thing' we have.

I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore.

I'm going back to London, sorry.

I'll always love you."

No, this can not be happening to me, why me, why now? I ran my fingers through my hair, furrowing my eyebrows as Selena's worried eyes watched me, I simply handed her the note and ran. Shortly after I heard her footsteps behind me, struggling to keep up, but I didn't care, I only had one thing on my mind and that was getting to the airport before Ed left.

I had no time to get my keys or my things, I just caught a cab, it was the fastest thing to do, I had to stop him from leaving. I basically screamed at the cab driver who was in shock that Taylor Swift just got in his car.

“Aiport. Now.” 

Selena was sitting in the seat next to me trying to calm me down. 

“Taylor everything will be fine, just stay calm” 

Stay calm? How could I possible be calm when one of the most important person in my life is leaving me? When the cab stopped in front of the revolving doors, I threw whatever money I had in my pocket at the driver telling him to keep the change as I ran out.

As I ran through the crowded airport I heard Selena say something that sounded like "I'll wait here."  but I wasn't so sure because I was running so fast and everything seemed a blurr to me, as I ran through the crowded airport all I could hear were the whispers of strangers around me murmuring things like "is that Taylor?" and "Oh my god, should I go say something to her?" I didn't care though, usually I would drop everything to go make my fans happy but this was serious and I had to find Ed.

Searching the baggage claim and the checkin, I couldn't see him, but then again he was a celebrity. Wait a minute, exactly, he's a celebrity. I ran up to the front desk hoping that the person behind it wasn't a crazed fan.

"Hi, I'm looking for the VIP lounge?" I asked, probably speaking a little too fast so I wasn't surprised when the old lady looked at me weirdly.

"Um okay of course, down that hall to the right, there should be a sign and a small red carpet leading into it." she replied, still eyeing me as if I was a child.

"Okay thank you."

"Ma'm, you do know that the VIP lounge costs extra and you have to have a pass, right?" Okay, so she obviously had no idea who I was, but I really couldn't care less because I had already kept walking and I had no intentions of turning around now. I found the lounge, the door was big and black and in big red letters read, "VIP LOUNGE for VIP's" wow, what genius came up with that one? 

I ran into the room frantically searching the room for my red-headed love interest, but he wasn't there.

I've missed him, he's gone, he's actually quit the tour. A few tears rushed down my face as I walked out of the lounge, down the hall, through the crowds of fans and past the old lady who raised an eyebrow at me as she saw the makeup streaming down my cheeks. Well if Ed's given up on me, I guess I give up too.

Ed's POV:

I hate airport toilets, they're never clean, and there is always some creepy old guy in there that tries his hardest to start a conversation with you like dude, I just want to take a piss in peace, is that too much to ask for. I finished washing my hands before walking out to go sit in the VIP Lounge, many people were laughing and discussing something that I must have missed while in the toilet but I shrugged it off and pulled my phone out of my back pocket, my lockscreen background was of Taylor and I and even though things were pretty bad at the moment I didn't intend on changing it, so instead, I sighed and turned my phone off, ready for the long flight ahead.

Everything Has Changed: A Taylor Swift & Ed Sheeran fanficWhere stories live. Discover now