Chapter 13

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Soon, I was off on my flight back to L.A. It turns out the flight was going to be more close to seven hours than six due to the weather. Fuck.

My time to talk to him or seen him at least, was becoming less and less. My flight was at 11 o'clock. It was the first one that went to LA the earliest, so I had to wait. I had already been on the plane for two hours now.

It turns out, Harry and the boys had a show tonight know their last show for the United States this tour. so that meant, they wouldn't be back for a while. I found it strange that they had a concert on New Year's Day. I didn't even know that could happen, but things change.

I had to see Harry. Had to. This will be my only chance because they would be going to the airport right after the show. Or show is at 5 tonight, & I knew they had to get up to place an hour to earlier to do sound checks. I would immediately go to where they were performing, was what I thought.

The thing was, what would I do when I saw Harry? What I tell him how I feel? I know I would, but what was his reaction be? Would it mess up him performing? I didn't want to sound so dramatic, but I had to consider everything. Soon, I drifted off to sleep.

"We have now arrived at the Los Angeles Airport. Thank you for riding with us."

That's what woke me up. People started to shuffle out the door quickly, and I joined them.

I checked the time as I walked out the doors of the airport. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. It was 6:00.

I immediately called Joey and he picked up on the first ring.

"What the hell-" I cut him off.

"Joey, I'm in the L.A. airport right now. I need to see Harry before he leaves." I said quickly.

"Anne," he paused. "This is fucking messed up. Why do you need to see him?"

I spoke again, sitting down on the bench.

"Joey, I just need to see him before he leaves tonight." I said, sitting down on the bench.

He needed to hurry the fuck up and help me.

"That doesn't answer my question, Anne. What do you need from him? Why do you need to see him?"

"I'm in love with him! Fuck, I love Harry and I need to see him to tell him that before he leaves. He needs to know!" I yelled into the phone.

After I said that, it felt like a weight had been lifted off of my chest. He didn't say anything, so I spoke again.

"How can I see him?" I asked.

"You can't go to the stadium. It's too late and the show is close to being over."

"Then what the hell do I do?"

"I honestly don't know, Anne."

I tugged at the roots of my hair. This can't be happening. No way.

"What the hell do I do?!" I screamed. "He's coming straight to the airport and hopping onto a plane, isn't he?"

"I don't know, that's the thing. The other day, Harry said he might have been staying in LA or flying back to London. He didn't know yet."

Fuck, fuck, fuck. This can't be happening.

"I could call their manager and see what's going on and call you back. That okay, Anne?" Joey asked.

I didn't have fucking time to wait, but I needed to know. I needed answers.

"Okay," I said, and hung up.

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