The first words

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We all feel like this one time or another. Why do we feel like that? Who would make us feel like that? What event made me feel like that? Try to answer those questions. That person who made you feel like that, why? Were they jealous? We're they angered at the time? And are they even worth talking to? It all depends on the situation. You can't let anyone make you feel this way! No matter who they are! Or what there situation is! You want to be happy then stay happy! Do you want to be happy or stay sad for the rest of your life? If you let people make you feel like that for your entire life, you obviously don't want to be happy or can't speak up for yourself!
I am writing this because people always treat them selves as the victim when they don't do anything about it! That's all I have to say for now, the next chapter will come out soon and thank you.

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