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AN: another chapter my gods and goddess

Juvia: sssshhhh author-san Urmay and Keenon are sleeping and gray-sama is taking a relaxing shower

AN: oh yeah well back to the story. And this isn't the lemon but this chapter is rated M so read only if you want to your choice

As gray finished his shower and got dressed in dark blue jeans, a white shirt and black boots he was a little timid to go back out to where juvia was. "Does she know what happened"? Gray thought as he blushed remembering himself groping Juvia's breast.

As Gray slowly peak out the door he saw Juvia sitting at the end of the bed watching Keenon and Urmay sleep. Juvia had a soft smile on her face as she watched them. Gray decided to get closer to look at them as well. Keenon was protectively holding Urmay as she slept, and she was holding tight to her doll as always. "Gray-sama" Juvia said in her sleepy voice. "Yeah"? Gray said in his morning husky voice.

Gray awoke a little by that questioning himself as to why he was trying to answer her in a seductive voice, but just let it go to see what she had to say. "Gray-sama do you mind if juvia takes the bed for the next two days"? juvia said still in her sleepy voice. "Well I tried giving you the bed anyways, the couch is really hard" Gray smirked but soon turned into a blush when Juvia got up from the bed. "Yeah Juvia thinks she slept on her side to long" Juvia said rubbing the top left side of her boob that was red.

To a sleepy juvia it was a red mark, but to a fully awake person you could tell it was a hand print. Gray couldn't believe the day was starting off like this.

Juvia put the kids in the tub and dressed them, Urmay in a pink dress with her hair down into one braid pulled to the back and Keenon in tan shorts with no shirt. While Gray volunteered to cook this time. "Dad I forgot my shirt in the bathroom" Keenon said in a I really don't care about it though tone. "Well go get it then" gray said setting the plates for breakfast. "I can't mom is in there now" Keenon said sitting on the couch prepared not to move. "Urmay can you do it"? Gray asked flipping omelets. "But daddy Urmay is dressing her doll.

"Oh come on it's just your mom it's not like you haven't seen her naked before, I mean you came out of her" Gray said blushing a little placing omelets on the plates at the table. "I have never seen mom naked and I don't plan to now" Keenon said with an embarrassed face.

Gray looked up at Keenon and was going to argue with him about getting his own shirt when Gray realized something, he didn't think anyone has ever seen Juvia naked. In her bathing suit sure but full blown naked no, even when he would ease drop on Erza and Lucy talking about their spa days, somewhere in their conversations they would talk about how juvia would always go in after or before them, so they never seen her naked either.

Gray's man instincts stared to kick in and he stopped arguing and just started to walk to the bathroom, he figured if she tries to yell at him he could always say he was in there for Keenon's shirt and to be honest he was.

"There are two of me inside myself, one's an angel while the other's a devil. But that's how I am, who I am". Juvia sang while she was in the shower, she stopped when she heard a knock on the door. "Yes"? juvia called out while she was putting soap on to a rag. "I have to get Keenon's shirt and it's breakfast time... oh and I have to use the bathroom too" Gray quickly thought of something if his plan to sneak a peek at juvia in all her wet glory, wait why was he so concern with seeing her naked, he seen plenty of girls naked before, i mean it's not like his a virgin.

But seeing his future wife's naked womanhood would be heavenly gray's perverted side thought as he opened the door and shot Keenon's shirt on the bed and closed the door to the bathroom.

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