CH.6 Urmay the water mage?

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AN: hello gods and goddesses so I got an idea for some more smut next chapter and M rated so I'll try my best

Gray: yeah cause what was that bull in chapter 5 haha

Juvia: yes hardly what I call smut, if you don't mind me saying


Juvia: Gray-sama she's scaring me (backs away slowy)

As Juvia and Gray made it to the guild everyone looked at how much they have grown, not just as parents with Keenon and Urmay but with each other they came in holding hands and everything. Gray felt all eyes on them so he didn't know if he wanted to let go of Juvia's hand, he tried to but his mind just said "just hold her hand damn it"!

"So we couldn't find the key" Levy said with a sarcastic face. "Oh yes because Lyon-san has it" Juvia said chuckling nervously. "We know" Erza said as she took Urmay from her. Just as Lyon walked from the back room with the master and Lucy. Juvia and Gray looked like someone died, "but Keenon said Lyon-san wasn't coming back till tomorrow night" Juvia said holding back tears looking at Gray.

Gray looked down and said nothing but he felt the same way as juvia did. When everyone heard what Juvia said the whole Guild went silent. "Juvia you know they had to go back sometime" Bisca said feeling the one to speak up wanting to cry herself, if anyone took Asuka from her she would not know what to do. At that Alzack held tighter to his daughter as if someone was going to take her away too.

Juvia couldn't take the truth anymore and started to cry running into the back room. Before anyone could even say something Gray got up and took Keenon off his back and gave him to Gajeel, who just took him no questions asked "I'll go get her" Gray said as he speed walked to the back room were Juvia went.

Juvia balled up in the corner and cried her eyes out. The back room didn't have windows but she could hear the rain pouring down the hardest it ever rained in her life. "I knew they had to go back some time it's just... it's just it hurts so bad I thought I had more time" Juvia said out loud.

As the back room door opened and then shut juvia didn't even look up to see who it was. "Juvia" was all Gray could say. He didn't know what to say. Juvia looked up through all her tears and saw Gray with tears rolling down his face, he reached his hand out to her and as she grabbed it he embraced her tightly.

They stood like that for a while in till Gray broke the silence. "Juvia we knew they had to go back sometime" Gray said almost choking on the words, as he wiped the tears off his and Juvia's face. At those words Juvia held tighter to Gray and started to cry again. "Juvia think of it not as us losing them but just them going away for a while until we have Keenon and then Urmay, because we will have them Juvia" Gray reassured her.

Juvia looked up at Gray in his eyes, he might have not said it directly but those words Gray said were his way of saying he loved her and wanted to start a family with her and Juvia knew it. As they looked at each other and then came closer and kissed, juvia melted with every second of the kiss. Gray cupped Juvia's cheek with one hand and had his other on her back pushing her to him as closely as possible.

When they broke for air Juvia could not believe what just happened, she just wanted more so she held Gray's cheeks with both of her hands and leaned in for another kiss.

On the second kiss Gray wanted more of juvia then ever. He loved her and wanted to be by her side always. He couldn't believe it took two kids from the future for him to see that, even if his kids were leaving he knew he would see them again and hold little Urmay in his arms and sparing with Keenon and come home to his lovely wife, Juvia.

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