Chapter 13

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"We came as soon as we heard!" Soos said as he walked into the room. "Oh dude, is she ok!?" Wendy asked. Dipper looked at them both relieved they were there because he was getting uncomfortable talking to Kathy. "She is fine,"-Dipper pointed to Mabel's bed-"Be quiet though she is sleeping." Soos and Wendy walked in and stood beside her bed. "I should probably get going, I'm only volunteering here anyway!" Kathy walked out of the room embarrassed. All the commotion startled Mabel and she woke up. The first thing she saw was Soos and Wendy crowded around her bed. "Whoa, hi guys!" She said happily. Mabel was glad they didn't forget about her.

"Oh dude, how are you feeling?" Soos asked.

"Not very good." She answered.

"How is your stomach?" Wendy asked.

"Uh, still not good." Mabel said. She was overwhelmed with questions from Soos and Wendy. "I brought you something,"-Soos pulled out a card and handed it to her-"GET WELL SOON!!!!" They said. Mabel was flattered and now very excited, the happiness was contagious and it was hard to stay unhappy for long.

"Ugh I wish I could leave this place and get on with life." Mabel said. Even as she said this though she was smiling, and she knew it wouldn't be long before she got out of here. Dipper walked over to one side of her bed and gave her a hug. Mabel was surprised at first but then she hugged him back and it was a moment that they both wanted to last forever. During that moment a doctor walked in the room plus two nurses. Mabel looked up and let go of Dipper and he looked up at the doctor also. The doctor told the nurses something and they switched off a few of the machines.

"We should get going you know probably late for work!" Soos said and he and Wendy left the room. The doctor walked over to Mabel's bed motioned for a nurse, together they moved the bed out of the room.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Dipper asked. He ran to the door as they took her down the hallway. A nurse walked up to him from her room and stood beside him.

"They are taking you friend upstairs to get one more shot and then they are sending her home!" She then walked back into Mabel's room and started to clean up. Dipper watched them take Mabel down the hallway and into another room. At that moment Stan walked up behind Dipper and then noticed that the hospital room was empty.

"Dipper, where's Mabel?" Stan asked.

"They are sending her home today!!!!" Dipper was excited. Mabel was coming home! Just then a nurse walking up to Grunkle Stan and asked him to sign something. Dipper was lost in thought. Finally she is coming home!!! I can't wait!!!

"Dipper come on we have to go get the car." Stan said. Dipper snapped back into reality and followed Stan. He look down the hallway once more and saw Kathy grinning, he smiled back.

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