Russia x China

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Authors Note: This is a slightly changed version of my creative writing for English, so it might not be to your liking and could include a few errors. It includes a few of the Nyotalia versions of the countries and 2p England and the story is mostly though China's eyes with a little of Russia's. That's all hope you enjoy!

Kashyyyk was discovered by Professor Descoteaux and his talented young assistant Oliver Kirkland in 2024. A time we humans call humanities next chapter. Kashyyyk is one of six alternative earths 18 galaxies away for the Milky Way. Nothing is different at all, each of earths seven continents are even in the same place the only thing missing was humans.

Already it's been 8 months into 2031 and 5 months since 9 other people from America, Canada, Russia, Germany, Italy, Denmark, France and United Kingdom of Great Britain were brought here. Over those short few month each and every one of us have been going through various training exercises, for when we go to examine the other 102 planets found. All ten of us have gotten on amazingly considering the cultural differences, but lately it feels like someone is trying to pull us away from each other.

The sky was in its normal twilight state like every training days evening. Not a single cloud hovered in the sky and only the forests inhabitants could be heard along with the rustling of leafs in the wind. Walking out of the outdoor training facility, I sip my water from my drink bottle, which tastes a bit like watermelon for some reason. With a shrug of my shoulders I chug the rest of the liquid down, clenching my thirst. Now satisfied I begin my walk along the dirt path heading back to base, till a glimmer of something shiny catches my attention. There in a bundle of semi fresh leafs, I bend down for a closer inspection to be greeted with one of the ten world pocket watches, we were given when we arrived on Kashyyyk. Placing the solid gold watch in the palm of my hand, I gently remove the dirt. I stand slightly stunned, there was no mistaking the familiar engraving of the Saint Basils Cathedral from Moscow Russia on it.

'What is Ivan Braginsky's pocket watch doing all the way out here, he's usually so careful where he puts it, how strange'

Opening the watch the sight of the hour hand points east twitching a bit, while the minutes and seconds hands stays over 19 minutes and 42 seconds, telling exactly what direction and time the journey is going to take to fid Ivan.

With that I bolt into action commencing mission find Ivan. It was not long into my little twilight run when a mahogany coloured building appeared not far into the distance. As I approach the build, I once again open the pocket watch to see the hour and minute hands point straight while the seconds hand goes hay wire.

'Why on earth (Kashyyyk) would Ivan be in there?'

Sighing as I graze my fingers against the door knob, a wave of apprehensiveness and discomfort wash over me. Taking one last big breath I remove a knife from my combat boot, then turn the handle slowly.

The door creaks open, turning many florescent lights above me on nearly blinding me. Once my eyes finish adjusting to the lights, a bright white sterile lab stands before me and with each inhale of air a whiff of putrid chemicals burns my nostrils. In the centre of the room stands a large white control panel, surrounded by sky blue glowing trim and a black base for support. The only other noticeable things in the room was a door to my left and 10 kinds of capsules in a semi-circle around the back wall, all containing something or someone.

Knife still tightly fastened in my hand, I timidly walk in front of one of the capsule but instantly regret my decision as I gasp and fall to my knees in horror, dropping my knife in the process.

Placing a shaky hand on the capsules glass, I scan my eyes over the person. There trapped behind the glass stands the slender form of the tsudere emerald eyed Brit, Arthur Kirkland. Arthur's face was flushed and his usual attire replaced with pure white clothes. But the most noticeable thing about him was his ankles and wrists were tied in an excruciatingly painful looking way.

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