Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 – Truth and Presents

"How is he?" Kai asked anxiously, worried sick for Taemin. Doctor Kim shook his head.

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult for you to take in. But come; let's go to my office before I break the news to you."

Kai's heart immediately dropped to the ground as soon as Doctor Kim says it's hard for him to take in.

'Please don't let it be what I'm thinking.' Kai thought and strolled behind Doctor Kim.

"Have a sit; I'll make us some hot tea." Doctor Kim said and walked over to his small kitchen.

"That kid is stubborn. I told him to take the medicines I gave him, but he stopped after some time." Doctor Kim started and Kai got confused.

"He hasn't told you his story, didn't he?" Kai shook his head and Doctor Kim places the cup of hot tea in front of them.

"He has cancer and he is in his last stage already."

Kai's eyes widened, hands shaking. "W-what?" He says.

"It's in his family history. But the funny thing is not everyone would have it. Unluckily, he's the one. I gave him the medicines to let him live longer, but that kid just didn't want to take them. Only at the 3rd month, he came to me and told me he would take those medicines. I was shocked, but I gave him the bottle of pills too. It's late better than nothing. But recently when he came back for check-up, he said he gave up. He told me something about he didn't have reasons to live anymore. I told him, why not? All he does was smile and greeted me before leaving. I was surprised and shocked too. And I've been waiting for him to come back and realize his mistake, but I'm greeted by this news." Doctor Kim shook his head again.

"Recently I found a better medicine for him, a one that can cure him. But this boy went too fast." He said, patting on Kai's hands. "I'm sorry, Jongin, I've tried so hard but I can't save him. I know I'm a lousy doctor, I'm so sorry." he apologized as Kai cries silently.

"So this is why he is always pushing me away?" Kai muttered as Doctor Kim strokes his back to make him feel better.

"I'm so sorry, Jongin-ah, I really am." he continues consoling him.

Soon, Taemin's parents and all of their friends came to the hospital. Taemin's parents were angry; they blamed Kai for the whole incident. Key couldn't take it anymore and he flared up.

"You can't just push all the blame to Jongin when Taemin has his wrongs too!" He yelled, pissed. Jonghyun brought him back and calm him down.

"Hyung's right, you can't just blame the innocent one here." Tao hissed, narrowing his eyes on them.

Taemin's dad recomposed and apologized to Kai. "It's fine. I'm tired. I need some rest, I'm going now." he bowed and left.

Kyungsoo couldn't just let him be alone, so he ran after Kai.

"Leave me alone." Kai mumbled and Kyungsoo shook his head, opposing Kai's decision.

"I said leave me alone!" Kai yelled and ran away. Kyungsoo sighed and stood there, not knowing what to do to make Kai feel better.

Just then, he recalled that few days back Taemin went to look for him and passed him a key.

"When I'm gone, bring Kai to this address. Here, this is the key." Taemin said, placing them on Kyungsoo's hand.

"But why? You can do them yourself." Kyungsoo said. Taemin shook his head with a weak smile.

"I can't. My time's up." Kyungsoo wanted to ask more, but Taemin had walked away.

Kyungsoo decided to go to the address written on the piece of paper Taemin had given him.

It's a mansion. A mansion that seems to be a new home for a newly married couple. He used the keys to open the door and roamed around the house. Then, he saw a letter on the table. It says - "For my dearest Jongin".

Kyungsoo didn't want to open it up, he don't have the rights to. And he decided to bring Kai over the next afternoon.

"Wake up, we've to go somewhere." Kyungsoo said, shaking Kai up. But the younger had no intentions to wake up and he dived deeper into his pillow. Kyungsoo sighed and dragged him up.

"Ten minutes." he said and closed the door of the bathroom. Kai did what Kyungsoo had asked and went out after he is done.

"Let's go." Kyungsoo said with no emotion.

Kai trailed behind him and they stopped in front of the mansion Kyungsoo came last night. Kyungsoo opened the doors and let Kai in.

"What is this? Why are we here, Kyungsoo? We've to attend Taemin's wake and we are almost late!" Kai whined. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and pushed him in.

Kyungsoo pointed to the letter on the table and Kai grabbed it and pulled the piece of paper out.

And the letter goes like this.

For my dearest Jongin,

You must be mad at me, right? For leaving you behind to another world, for making you feel so darn bad because you still love me, for disappointing you because I'm always at the club every night with different girls. You may think I'd feel disgusted of you, but no, you're wrong. I'm still gay; I still prefer dicks to vaginas. And I still prefer you. Doctor Kim must have told you about my cancer when he's out from the operation room. And I'm sure he said I've no reasons to live anymore. From the day I know you chose Kyungsoo over me, I've decided to not take my pills and just go with the flow. That was the last 3 months.

Time fly too fast, I couldn't do many things with you. I wanted to bring you on dates, to different countries, to buy you what you want. Remember the times you told me you really wanted a home for the both of us? Baby, this is the house I'd planned to give you. This is our home, your home. Decorate however you want but just don't let the co-owner of this house to be someone else. I don't mind him to be Kyungsoo though! I would love to see you getting married with him, to be honest. Kekeke. I know a letter wouldn't tell you how sorry I am, but I really am sorry. And now, this is the end of my letter. Please be healthy, eat more than you used to. You know I'll always be around, right? I'll be your guardian angel, protecting you. Remember I'll love you forever, okay? Now, go up to the second level. The first room to your right, go there now. I'll meet you there~ Bbyong!

Kai immediately ran up to the room that Taemin indicated on the letter and Kyungsoo followed suit even though he's confused. Kai smiled.

'Finally I'm getting to see Taemin!' He thought happily in his head. He turns the knob of the door with full strength and stepped in.

"Taemin ah!" He yelled. But what greeted him was the photos they took during the years they knew up to the days both of them are busy.

Kai frowned as he sees another letter on the floor.

You must be angry that you couldn't see me, aren't you? Anyways, this room is filled with all our memories. Don't you ever try to bring them down, Kim Jongin! I might be gone, but I will still be with you! Kekeke. I'm just kidding, babe. Like I've written, do whatever you want to this house. It's already yours; this is my few last presents to you. Now, go to the second room beside this. Love you~

Kai laughed at what Taemin had written then proceed to the next room. Once he opened the room, he sees his favorite soccer team merchandises in the room. He laughed as he sees the stuffs Taemin had gotten him. And again, a letter on the table.

Happy? Haha. I've gotten Minho hyung to get these for me~ aren't I clever? ^^ Now, it's the second last present from me~ Go to the master bed room. I will see you there!

Kai smiled and walked slowly to the master bed room. He took a deep breath before going in. His eyes widens as he sees what is in front of him.

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