▶︎ broadcast 9.

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"you wanted it to be picture perfect"

-take it out on me

[1:07 PM.]

welcome back to another broadcast on SSFM 109.2, my name is sunshine. let's get right to it. perfection is impossible. it is unachievable. and the problem with society today is that our perception of the world is warped to the point where many of us think it is attainable.

the truth is, perfection just simply isn't. nothing is perfect, has been or ever will be. it's simply impossible. even in the fields of science nothing can be absolute. the roundest object in the world, down to several atoms, is supposedly perfect. yet there is the inaccuracy of those few atoms. perfection - denied. absolute zero. it's a concept, sure, but it's impossible to get the temperature of an object so low that there is zero kinetic energy. denied.

appearance - who defines physical perfection anyway? for a lot of people, it's the media. which, to be frank, disgusts me. we have allowed ourselves to be defined not by real people, real, strong, confident people, but rather by shadows of those people, morphed and tweaked to fit someone's idea of who we should be. these so called ideals of perfection are computer generated. modified. fake, if you will. people you don't even know have set the bar of perfection so high that none of us can ever hope of achieving it. it's how they make money. by feeding of of other people's insecurities by creating ideals that are unrealistic. it's really up to you as to how you choose to act - the question is simple: would you rather be fake, or real? d-e-n-i-e-d.

the fact is, perfection will always be biased. it's a point of view, a way of thinking, and an unrealistic one at that. so as long as you're happy with yourself, and who you are, then in a way you have achieved perfection, because you shouldn't be trying to satisfy anyone else in this world but you. you come first. always. sometimes we forget that. denied.

then again, thinking you're perfect isn't such a great thing. if you consider yourself perfect, that's saying you have no flaws. as human beings, we have our fair share. all of us. I won't begin to list all the things that are wrong with me, let alone the entire human race, but be realistic here. we all have flaws. the point I'm trying to make is not to strive to eradicate all those flaws, but rather learn to embrace them. it's hard. it will take time. people will try to stop you. the odds will be against you (let's face it, they are a lot of the time). but in the end, you'll be a happier person. and the world could do with some happier people.


tune in again next time on SSFM 109.2 for some more sunshine. thanks to listener chip1232 for the song.

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