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She went. Next day, I felt a lot missing, as my morning used to begin with her and everything. I had to go for shopping with my mom. I used deny, but I thought she isn't gonna come online so better I go out, get my mind refreshed, so I went out. Though I was feeling bore and I missing her, atleast I was getting a subway sandwich from outside. That was enough for me to shut my mouth and disturb mom to do fast. It was night, Dad came to pick us up, we were heading back to home with one stop at an electronic shop. We were there to see some electronic items for our new house at our native. My parents and bro were busy and there comes a call. It was an unknown number. I picked it up.
"Whose this?" I knew it was Rebecca but I was acting as I don't know whose it
"Maxwell, Its me Rebecca!"
And than we had a long talk. She explain about her journey and I said about the shopping and than about our plans during the vacations. We used to talk mostly everyday for the first 5 days. Than we took a day gap. And than It was like we didn't talk for 5 continuous days. Though we talked after that 5 day. She returned after a few day but I was in my native still. We again started our long times chatting. It was 16 of May. 17th was Birthday of her best friend Tania. 16th she got up busy with all the birthday party preparations. We didn't talk after a small chat in the morning, she just said we'll chat after Tania's birthday party. I got a lot of work to do and all. I gave her time. 16 night we didn't chat. 17th Morning I thought she might be busy with Tania. By night she was still offline. I saw Tania was online. I asked her.
"So Party over?"
"So any idea where's Rebecca? She haven't yet come online"
"Wait I'll ask her"
"Yeah, By the way
Happy Birthday" I wished her again though I had posted on her timeline.
Tania knew me. That I was Rebecca's boyfriend.
"Thank You. And She's busy in someone's else birthday party" Tania replied
"Okay. Thanks" I finished up the chat.
I didn't notice but this Summer Vacation was bringing Sudden Gaps between me and Rebecca.
Another day passed, but Rebecca didn't yet came online. I again asked to Tania what's matter with Rebecca as its never been that she is offline for 2 days!
Tania was offline. She replied me later on that Rebecca's Mom asked her to remove her all account from all of her social networking sites. Facebook, Instagram and all. Than I noticed on Instagram, 1 of Rebecca's post with a Caption, "So this is my last post, gonna miss all the later pics" Now this was freaking me out. We hadn't talk for a long time. So I called her, Unluckily, Her mom picked up, I acted as I dialed a wrong number and sat with a fear that her mom! Other day I again called her. Luckily this time it was Rebecca, I asked her, She had been offline for a long time, So she said me the story that she had saved my number and when during that 5 days no talk time, when I gave her 2 missed calls, her mom saw it. And started up asking her "Who is Maxwell?" Any how she handled the situation but later on as she was spending a lot of time on phone which striked her mom, so her mom ended up decide to ban all social networking for her. We decided we'll call but her mom caught her talking on phone so she now didn't even allow her to touch the phone.

Next day, she anyhow came online. She said just ignore me, avoid me and talk less with me. But I just couldn't stop myself and so I end up always messaging her. So I said okay no problem we won't chat. And I asked just say you love me. I expected that like would have turned to love by now, through our chatting, meeting and all. But still she replied," Dude i said you, I like you. I don't know about love" That thing I guess hurted me. I ended up the chat and kept my mobile phone in a corner. A day passed, neither touched my phone nor I went online on Facebook. One more day passed the same. On Facebook, It used to be like Maxwell Patricks. Active now always, but it was showing 2 days ago! That thing ate Rebecca's mind.
Ping, Song came from my phone. I rushed towards it hoping its Rebecca after all i was talking to her after 2 days! Yes it was her.
"Active 2 days ago, What happened to you Maxwell" She was anxious to know what had happened.
"Nothing" I tried to act like her. She wasn't a person who used to say everything openly, you had top praise her to make her say what happened.
"Say up" She got rude.
"okay okay as you were offline what would I do coming online so I didn't. simple." That was all. I could never she her rude.
It was 28th of May when we did this chat. 30th May was my birthday. I asked her at least to wish on my Birthday. She said she will try. Well, its hard for her to come online and even call, so i had to understand. But than, Dude we literally have to stop the chatting less and just stop chatting at least for few days. I was really shocked. I said Okay. But I really wanted to say no! we shouldn't. But, I just cant stop that. 29th came. We didn't talk yet since yesterday. I had to go to relatives Marriage, I visited it. Again, I didn't touch my mobile phone. After returning, it was 10 I kept my phone on the dining table and went in the bedroom. I was feeling excited for my birthday, though I was a bit sad as Rebecca wasn't talking to me. My brother was entertaining me inside the bedroom, i knew that there was a surprise for me outside. Thus, I tried to keep myself happy. As the clock struck 12. I was taken outside. Darkness in the hall and suddenly I could see a small burning flame. As closer I went I could see my family members, my bro, dad, mom, granny, cousin sis and bro and there mom dad. They lived near us, we are quiet close as its my mom's real brother's family. The cake was ready for me. We all had a bit of cake and selfies.
Than I got the time to touch my phone. I could see 3 text messages not on facebook. All were unknown numbers. Thanks to truecaller that helped me to find the name the people who texted. First text, I didn't got whose was it so, I got it was Rebecca from someone else's number as her fullname was Rebecca Kingston. She knew I was a bit sad so her text was so,
"Happy Birthday
Stay Happy and Blessed
Tc :* "
Moving forward I was searching on truecaller who was the third person. So again from the surname I got it was Tania. I askked her to say to Rebecca at least to call me tomorrow or come online. And than we had a small talk.
Birthday was full of joy, all was good even Rebecca came online on Facebook and she wished me there again. But it was only in the morning when she was online. Those Sudden Gaps were eating me. And the summer vacations came to a end. Rebecca's mom even became a bit silent. We used to come online everyday but not that much how much we used to chat in April. In june I was excited for the most amazing trip of Singapore. First time to a foreign place and without parent is a fun! It was me, my bro and my bro's friend. We were going to Singapore trip without any trip planner all planning were done by us. Rebecca asked for a movie before the trip. I took permission from my parent, even she got the permission. Again it was Saturday, planning done in the morning we'll and all done. This time it was just me and Rebecca, Robert wasn't gonna show his fucking ass this time. Thanks for it. My bro wouldn't be able to drop me and my dad was going out. He was leaving 1 hour before the time I should have leave. In the morning they were deciding how am I going to the movie theatre. I had 2 options
1. My dad drops me a hour before the time I go , or
2. My mom and bro come there but see a different movie.
I obviously never wanted my mom and bro to see that I was going for a movie with my girlfriend so I decided to reach a hour earlier. So, we left from home towards Kings Street, the same place again. On the way, my phone rings, I saw it was Rebecca.
I couldn't pick it up infront of my dad. So I didn't answer it. It was 5 min for me to reach. As I reached first thing I did was calling Rebecca. She picked up the phone. She said " Maxwell am really sorry I can't come" My reaction was Fuck! Cause till yesterday she was very much excited for this and suddenly she cancelled up the plan! I said her, "Am sorry but I have already reached" After that I summarized the situation and said her about it. She said, "okay am coming". She kept the phone. I was just freaked up there. Thinking I came on the decision that say her okay don't come I will go back home. I tried to call her back 4-5 times and continuously it was her mom picking up the phone. It really freaked me. I was standing beside the mall and I saw her car. Her dad came to drop her. I went behind her and we met. We checked out for tickets but there were no tickets in there. Nearby there was one more mall so we decided to go up there. We bought tickets and sat in KFC, we both explained our story. And were talking, she said me that she said her friend about me, on Tania's birthday. I had no problem with it. Then, we went upstairs for the movie. This time I again gave her signals for her hand but we didn't hold each others hand. I felt something's wrong. Cause last time she was blushing on my signal but this time she was getting irritated. As the movie was coming to an end. She was trying to tell or do something to me, but I guess she was feeling shy. And suddenly she grabbed me towards her, kissed me on my cheeks, my happiness limit went up!, and she whispered something in my ears "I'm sorry, but we can't stay together" All of my happiness went into sorrow. The question was Why? But she wasn't answering it. While moving downstair, she hold my hands but didn't say me the reason. We had our hands together till the time we reached the ground floor. We again went towards Mac Donalds, entering it her mom! comes up from front. She started talking with Rebecca. She didn't noticed me. So I moved on. Yet I was still with the question Why? She just didn't answer me. I brother came to pick me up I was all quiet, I didn't utter a word. All my excitement of Singapore trip went down. She didn't even come online that day and not even next day. Monday we went to school, she didn't come down to visit me as we used to. Again first thing I did was coming on facebook, she was online.
"Dude, What happened? Why suddenly a break up? " I was freaking up
"Forget me Maxwell"
"No never !"
"Come on! Dude."
"Why didn't you come online for 2 days?"
"Cause the phone was in repairing?"
"Ok, But Why the break up?"
"I don't know"
"Yea, now forget me"
"I would rather prefer to jump!" It was the dialogue from the movie we saw that day, were the hero say she would jump of the cruise for the heroine.
"Yeah, remember in the movie? Common part is am also going on cruise in the Singapore trip"
"I know. But Look at me, I love my life."
"I know you love yourself and not me!" It was her whatsapp status "I love myself"
We had such long fight but we ended up with a patch up. Though there were remains of Sudden Gaps, we had patched up but this break up brought up a fear of break up in me. I used to say sorry to Rebecca for all small things and never hurt her so she won't break up again.

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