Part 8: Prisoner for the Day

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They locked me into a cell and set casters at the gate as guards. I had to stay in there for a while, and the going was slow. Nobody spoke, nor moved. I recognized one of the casters as the one I had saved in the ambush.

The cell only had one bench in the back. I sat on it, and closed my eyes, wishing Coren would come and settle this. I saved their city, and this is how they repayed me. But, despite my anger, I realized that I was the one that the Blade wanted, so I inadvertedly started this war.

I ended up in that prison for about two days. They brought me a dinner the first night, and a breakfast in the morning. It was about noon when something actually happened.

A man urgently entered with a scroll. He wispered to the casters, and they opened the gates. I stood, and the magicians twitched with an anticipated attack. The soldiers stirred as the casters grabbed me by the arms.

The casters brought me out into the hall. The man with the scroll looked me in the eyes, and said,"The King wishes to see you in the Throne Room in a timely fashion. You will be interrogated, and are expected to give the correct answers. Please, follow me." He finished the last sentece with a happy tone in my voice. As the man turned I saw an entire assortment of knives in his robes. I quickly classified him as a maniac.

We coursed through the halls and chambers until we came to the Throne Room. It was beautifully constructed, with tall marble pillars. There were statues of former kings and queens, and portraits of more recent ones upon the invention of paint. Everything seemed to be bordered and decorated with solid gold and silver.

The King's throne was the most amazing, though. It was a tall black marble seat with steps leading up to it. Every edge of the block-like throne was lined with a substance I barely recognized as platinum, the most rare and expensive mineral. The king was wearing a flowing red cape and golden armour. He was a clean shaven, lean man. A brilliant longsword lay across his lap.

"Who are you?" The king said. "I am Milo, and I saved your city. Why do you keep me locked in chains like a thief?" I replied. "You did something to them. They demanded you by name, Milo. You brought the war to Ryngag with yourself."

"I did nothing to them! I had never even heard of them until Coren told me who they are!" I said, confused and frustrated. The king looked at me with curiosity in his eyes when I mentioned Coren. He turned to the servant at his side. "Bring Coren here. Quickly."

I stood there in the arms of the casters while the King stared intensely at me. After a while, I felt a sharp stab in my head, like a sudden migrain. My head throbbed so intensely that I yelled out and fell on the ground. Then I head this voice, a deep, smooth voice.

"Relax...The pain will go..." The voice told me. I relaxed, for the pain was doing nothing but increasing. My muscles relaxed, and the pain ebbed until there was no pain left. I still lay on the floor.

I was going to try to stand, but then a new sensation swept through my body. I couldn't move, nor think straight. I felt like something was shifting through my mind, looking at every thought and memory in my head.

"You are honest...Full of potential...A potential savior..." The voice spoke to me again. Then, just like it had appeared, the feeling vanished. I could move again.

I stood, aware of the king and the casters looking at me. Their look was not of puzzlement, however, but of expectation. "You know what that was, do you not?" I said.

"I am not your usual king, Milo. I am telepathic. I searched your mind. I found you a mysterious young man, and I wanted to know what you were going to do, why you are here, and where you will go." The king replied, after some hesitation. As far as I knew at the time, not many people knew of the king's ability. I found it disturbing that he would look into my mind so suddenly, and without warning or permission.

There was a breif moment of silence, broken by the door being quickly forced open. The servant and Coren rushed into the throne room. The servant bowed, while Coren remained standing. The king looked at him, and Coren greeted him as a friend, saying, "It has been a while, hasn't it? Why am I honored with seeing my old friend on this day?" The king smiled warmly, saying, "It has been too long, Coren, too long indeed. Unfortunetly we meet today under dire circumstances. You and Milo must leave hastily."

Coren gave me a look that said, "What did you do!?" I shrugged. Coren bowed and said, "As you wish, your magesty. But we will be presued, and we will need food and weapons."

The King took no time in responding. "I have already taken that into consideration. You will have full access to my armory and pantry. You may have as much of whatever you like. My servants will take you there."

Coren and I both bowed very deeply. "Thank you, your majesty." I said, humbled.

Two servants came through the huge doors, and they lead us out of the majestic Throne Room.

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