Part 11: Surprise, Surprise

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The demon was gone within seconds.

"What was that all about?" I inquired.

Coren turned to look at me. "The blade is known as Demonbane. Contrary to popular belief, Demonbane isn't the name of the blade; it is the type of blade. This particular sword was forged thousands of years ago, during the wars against the demon legions. Scares the day lights out of them."

I nodded, then sat. I took out a slice of bread and ate it contemptly. Coren considered for a moment, then grabbed a slice for himself. Once we finished, he showed me an electricity spell to give me a bit more energy. After casting it on myself, we carried onward across Morgan.

As we walked - more like glided - across the gently rolling hills of dead grass, I asked Coren about my stone. It was feeling excessively heavy, and larger. He took it from me and examined it. A few minutes later we walked pass a group of trees, and he threw the stone as hard as he could against a trunk. It rang out with a metallic twang.

"Was that the tree, or my rock?" I asked, mildly suprised. I had gotten used to Coren doing weird stuff. He picked up the stone and passed it to me. 

"Guard this with your life, and nothing less." He said crypticly. He offered nothing more, so we carried on in silence. 


After about three days since being attacked by Jessica's Demon, we came towards the edge of Morgan. The grass began to regain its color and grow taller. Trees, also, sprang up in increasing numbers. We even began to find small lakes, and around the afternoon of the third day we stopped on the edge of one.

From his bag, Coren produced a fishing rod and began to fish, using bread as bait. I ate the last of my bread, and observed my stone. It was larger than my fist, by then. In a spark of curiosity, I held it up to the sun, and almost fainted. 

"Holy Capashen! Coren, is this a dragon?" 

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