Chapter 1 - Sidekicks have the most fun

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"We're here to help, and it doesn't even matter who we are before we put on the masks because when we do put them on, it means we're here to help, no matter what."

~ White Lightning

Superheroes shouldn't really have to go to school.

I mean - who has time to go to pre-calculus when there's a mad man running ramped through the streets of the nation's capital?

Wait, let me backtrack this a little. You see, my name is Oliver Storm, or as the rest of the public knows me, White Lightning, notorious sidekick to Captain Impossible. Yes, the Captain Impossible. Maybe you've heard of him?

(Who am I kidding? Of course you have)

Unless you're living under a rock, you know of Captain Impossible. You know, the guy who saved the world from that gigantic robot running through Main Street last year? Or maybe you heard of the time he saved the President of the United States from the super villain Kronos a couple months back? No?

(Well, maybe you have been hiding under a rock this whole time.)

Anyways, he's a legend.

Me on the other hand? Let's just say that I'm like the lesser known friend of Captain Impossible. You ever see a picture of Captain Impossible? Yeah, I'm that one kid standing next to him.


I'm White Lightning, not to be confused with White Static of Iris City back in California. He's the guy in the metal suit; I'm the guy with the white spandex - see the difference?

Anyways, I'm the one in the white and silver spandex. You'd think that would stand out next to Captain Impossible's light and dark blue, but people don't always see what they want to see.

It's currently 8 A.M. on a Monday morning, a school day might I add. Captain Impossible and I are running right across the Arlington Memorial Bridge, heading straight towards the Lincoln Memorial after a mad man in a rainbow hat.

Okay, I might still owe you guys some background information.

You see, Captain Impossible and I were superheroes, which meant that there had to be super villains, right? Well, I for one wish I wasn't right. The villain we were currently chasing down was Two-Face, a guy who could change his appearance at will. And, if he got scared, sometimes his power went out of control.

For instance, that rainbow colored hat on his head was not, in fact, a hat, it was his hair.

We had caught him trying to break into some senator's vehicle back on Jefferson Davis Highway. Who knows what he was going to do if he got to the Senator's car, but knowing Two-Face, it wasn't going to be good.

See? That was the problem with living in Washington D.C. Almost everywhere you turned you saw another important figure in politics. That just made our job even harder as well.

"Look, there's Captain Impossible and his sidekick!" Someone yelled from their car as we raced by. A hoard of cheers followed his statement.

I was used to being the 'sidekick'. It didn't really bother me much, it just meant that people were paying less attention to trying to figure out my identity.

I definitely did not want to end up like those supers in Empire City. Just last month someone reveal their identities to the entire world. It turns out that Sonic's father was a super villain and Blue Archer was that rich kid who went missing two years ago. Who knew?

Anyways, I'm getting off topic again.

Captain Impossible and I were racing down the bridge, only a couple yards from Two-Face now. He was panicking, shown by the fact that his hair had changed to a now vibrant shade of pink.

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