Chapter 6

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"Kash!" I glared at him.

We're watching a scary movie in thr Scare-Room and Kash keeps making scary noises. Don't get me wrong I'm not scared, he's just annoying at times. I snatch the bowl of popcorn out of his hand and grab a hand full and throw it at him.

"What was that for?" He ate the popcorn off his seat.

"Shut up! I'm trying to watch the movie."

"Ugh! I saw Carrie a thousand of times." He said with a handful of popcorn.

"Well I haven't. I mean look her, helpless while those girls are throwing pads and tampons at her. Such a shame. Sue didn't even try to help Carrie and OMG Tommy is so gorgeous. It's was benevolent of him to take Carrie to the dance." I munched on a handful of my cheese popcorn as Carrie saw Tommy die.

"Yeah yeah. Why couldn't we watch Paranormal Activity 3D dimension. It's new!" Kash pouted.

"Because I said so." I grinned.

"Erm, sorry to intrude but can I talk to Storm." Kash and I looked up to see Issac and Sirens in front of us .

I nodded at Sirenah, luckily the movie was just going off. Talk about perfect timing. I hopped off of the movie seat and followed Sirenah and Issac out of the Scare-Room.

"So what do we need to discuss? " I asked.

"So we found your family book and the owners of this school told us to tell you about the school and things like that. " Sirenah pulled out a old brown book. The edges were worn and it had big letters purple sparkly letters that read Storm.

I took the book out of Sirenah hand and gasped at how heavy it felt. As soon as the book got in my hand all the way it opened with a beautiful glow.

"Only your powers can activate your book. This goes for everyone." Issac stated.

"Okay. We have to talk now. Come with us." I looked up to see Kash next to me.

When did he come? I shrugged and followed them. They led us to a office. Kash and I sat on the catch while Sirenah and Issac sat on the chairs in front of us.

"We need you to read your book to us." Issac said.

"Um okay. Why?"

"I will explain after." He glared at me.

"Okay then."

I turned to the first page of my book and saw a picture of fire and a picture of fairies. Turning the next page I saw words. I begin to read.

May 29 1853

Joana and Jimmy Fallón married this day at 5 pm. It was illegal to marry someone that are different creatures. The rulers didn't know what type of children that will be brought into this world if people with different kind married. Joana has the element of fire. She was able to control fire with her eyes and hands. Her husband Jimmy had the ability to turn into any animal he wanted. They call his kind SHAPESHIFTERS. The soon had a beautiful daughter, they named her Celeste Fallón. Celeste took her powers from her mother. Luckily, nothing bad happened. Their powers didn't merge into something dangerous. Over the years Celeste grew up. She met a man name Scott. He was a fairy. She stumbled into the fairy kingdom one day and saw him. They instantly fell in love. They were inseparable, the two teenage love birds soon wedd and also had a beautiful daughter. Her name was Storm Fallón.

I gasped when I saw my name, I looked at Kash and the others. I decided to read more until the end of the chapter.

Storm Fallón wasn't like the other people, she was different. The unimaginable happened. What the Cre-Rulers feared the most happened. Celeste and Scott powers merged and have Storm two abilities. Storm has the ability to manipulate fire and to have the powers of a fairy. Those powers merged her. The two eye color of Storm makes her powers. Orange and blue. The power of a fairy and a fire starter. Luckily, the Cre-Rulers didn't find out. Celeste and Scott gave storm to the the fairies. The fairies built a school, Teen-Academy to keep Storm safe along with other creatures. The grandparents never got to see their daughter child, they were murdered by the Cre-Rulers.

I closed the book and frowned.

"Am I a threat?" I asked.

"Of course not. Your Storm the strangely confused mean girl." Kash said.

I smiled and wack his chest. "I'm not mean."

I forgot Issac and Sirenah was in the room until Issac cleared her throat.  Sirenah smiled while Issac remained expressionless.

"No wonder why you could orb. Most fairies fly but some just orb. 

"So we know who you are now." Sirenah smiled.

"I guess. So what's with the school?"

"Well as you know the fairies built this school. They send us the creatures family books and tell Sirenah and I what to teach. They the ones that transport food and things. They put Sirenah and me here first. They said we were destined to be  strong leaders. So we own this school, the fairies erase everyone memories because it's an effect when you come into another dimension. The dark side of the hall is for the vampires and people that belong in the dark. The fairies told us we will have to fight for something. We've been training our students just in case the fight happen. That's all we know." Sirenah nodded in agreement.

"That's good to hear. I will like to go to bed now if you don't mind." I grabbed Kash hand and went outside.

Feeling the need to go to my room I close my eyes and imagined my home. I felt myself floating and moving, I opened my eyes and saw a bright flash.

"We just orbed!" Kash yelled.

"We did?" I asked.

"Yeah, how did you do it?"

"I closed my eyes and imagined my room. Can we sleep now I'm tired. " I stripped off my clothes only leaving me in my bra and panties. I hopped in my bed. I saw Kash head for the door.

"We are you going?" My voice asked.

"To my room." He replied.

"No. Sleep with me." I said.

"Um, your naked."

"So, you can take off your clothes and climb in with me." Kash did as he told and climb inside the covers with me.

His leg made contact with my legs, I felt hot and tingly. It was the same feeling Issac gave me.

"Cuddle with me." I said.

He moved closer and wrapped his whole body around me. It felt so nice.

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