Scarred love

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Athours Note: There will soon be more to come. please be patient though. Please comment and rate i love to know what you all think! thank you!

Iriana shifted her weight so she was leaning against the base of the tree trunk as her stallion Glandeau drank quietly from the spring. Her aquamariene eyes scanned the forest around her as she re-strung her bow. Suddeny Glandeau's head shot up at the sound of a twig spapp ecoed from a  few miles away. Iriana whistled the comand for her chestnut stallion th leave he side but stay within earshot. Obediently loping away the stallion disaperaed into the trees of the forest behind her. Iriana slung her bow on her back before she started to scale the tall pine , stopping only when she was halfway up the tree hidden in the needles.

Only a few minutes after Iriana had put an aarow on her bow and was standing a sturdy branch leaning on the tree for support. thirteen dwarvs, a Wizard, and a hobbit came running out of the trees with a pack of Orcs on their tail. The clashing of steel sword against steel sword rang out through the forest as they faught the orcs. Iriana stood there debating weather she should help the Dwarvs or not.

Suddenly the tree she was standing on to was hit causing Iriana to loose her ballance and almost fall out of it. When she regained her balance she looked down to find three Orcs srounding the Hobbit with their swords ready to kill. Iriana quikly pulled back on het bow and let the first arow split throught the air quickly followed by a second and a third arow from her bow. All three Orcs laid splayed on the ground with her blue feathered aarows sticking out of their chests. Iriana watched as the hobbit looked up to find the sorce of the blue feathered aarows but was soon distracted by a shouting blonde dwarf who was battling two Orcs by him self. thehobbit helped slay one of the Orcs along with the last one.

The dwarvs, wizard, and hobbit all srounded the three Orcs that Iriana had shot trying to figure out it's sorce. "I'm telling you Thorin i did'nt shoot them" said a Dwarf who had long brown hair and no beard. "I know, these are elvish arows. But no elves wander in these parts of the mouintain." said Thorin looking at his nephew. Irina smirked relizing who the leader of the group was Thorin Oakenshield King of the Mouiantian. Knowing she could trust these men she scaled down the tree so she was only about ten feet above the men. Listining to them discuss the sorce of the aarow soon got tiresome for Iriana. So she sat down on the limb and leaned back on the tree with her arms crossed and listened in for the right time to interrupt.

But before she got the change to interrupt a lone Orc stumbled thought the woods with a bleeding arm catching the group by suprise. As if on cue Iriana leaped out of the tree and while still in mid air shot an arow that went straight throught the injured Orcs heart. she landed with a soft thud as the men all stared at her in shock. A smirk formed along her moulth at Thorin's furious expression. "What are yo-" "I believe the expression is 'thank you for saving our lives'," interupted Iriana staring into Thorin's furious eyes, "Not,  'what are you doing this far into dwarf territory'."

Thorin looked as if someone had just slapped him across the face as the pair of aquamariene eyes stared unyeildingly into his dark brown ones. For what felt like an etirnity they glared int eachothers eyes untill finall thorin gave in.  His eyes slowly travled to the left side of her face thet  had five long scars near her eye almost touching the corner of her moulth. he reconizes this girl in front of him by her long red braid of hair reaching down to the small of her back as Princess Iriana of Human and Elf blood. Thorin turned to his men signalling them to put their weapons down. 

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