Deadman Wonderland

131 3 0

\\The story revolves around Ganta Igarashi, a seemingly ordinary student attending Nagano Prefecture's middle school. This all changes when a strange person covered in blood and crimson armor floats through his classroom windows. Grinning madly, the 'Red Man' massacres Ganta's entire class but instead of killing him, embeds a red crystal shard in Ganta's chest. Within days of the massacre, Ganta is subjected to a kangaroo court as a suspect and is sentenced to death at Deadman Wonderland, a prison that doubles as a theme park.//

Age rating [16+]

The story line was very confusing at first but I figured it out in the end. I like the concept of the anime though, I am very disappointed that it's a very low chance of a season 2 as they left a lot of questions unanswered and on a cliff hanger. Also I didn't understand episode 13 it didn't have anything to do with the story line, unless it was a OVA. Anyways I enjoyed watching it and recommended it to people that aren't scared of a bit of blood and gore.(/)

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