\\The series revolves around the elite high school, Hope's Peak Academy, which, every year, selects "Ultimate" students who are in the top of their field, along with one average "Ultimate Lucky Student" who is chosen by lottery. Makoto Naegi, an average student selected to join Hope's Peak Academy, arrives at the school only to lose consciousness and later find himself trapped inside the school, along with fourteen other students. There, a sadistic remote-controlled teddy bear that forces the students to live in the school forever, offering only one way to graduate: murder another student and get away with it. When a crime scene is discovered, a "class trial" is held, in which the remaining students must discuss amongst themselves who the murderer is. If they can successfully figure out who murdered the victim, the culprit alone will be executed. However, if they guess incorrectly, the culprit will be able to leave the school and everyone else will be executed.//
Age rating [17+]
The art style is unique and not one to usually go for, however it suited the theme of the anime really well. It is unique but fits in with the kill or be killed game theme of anime, there was a lot of mystery that was behind the series and most was revealed in later episodes, although I felt as if they didn't tell all of them. There was a lot going on in such a short period of time and in only 13 episodes, I felt as if the detective area of it was a bit hard to believe, most of the murders were easy to tell but in real life no one would have notice the fine details.
I also felt as if it was very predictive, I would always guess who the murder was each time before the class room trial and every time I got it spot on and I've never seen or heard anything from the show before. [Spoilers] I also thought it was a bit funny that Junko Enoshima died like that at the very beginning and had a hunch she would reappear in the later episodes which I was correct in thinking. However a few times they did catch me off guard.
Overall it was a very enjoyable anime and had depth to it, I would recommended watching it, but a piece of advice, do be careful who you pick as your favourite character.(/)
Anime reviews...
RandomThis 'book' is basically a little review of an anime giving you my opinion of the show so you can hopefully decide if you want to watch the anime or not... (Btw some of the reviews I did a while back so there not accurate but cba changing them XD)