Chapter 5

36 2 1

  March 8th

"Happy birthday sweet angel"Jazen said waking me up with A kiss

"Thanks bae"I said sitting up to go brush my teeth and wash my face and when I looked in the mirror I noticed A really expensive looking ring on my finger I truned around and There he was on one knee with A box in his hand

"We have only been together 1 year ,3 weeks ,12 days ,11 hours  ,38 minutes, and 22 seconds but I feel like it has been A lifetime I have never loved anybody as much as I have loved you the first time I saw your beautiful face I had to get to know you better and when I seen my brother putting his hands on such A beautiful woman I wanted to know what was wrong with him I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with will you marry me Mikkaio?"Jazen said as tears fell from his every word damn hormons got me all emtional and shit

"Yes Jazen I will marry you" I said kissing all over his face as the twins began to kick

"Hey daddy's babies you tell mommy yall hungry"Jazen said planting soft kiss on my belly as the babies moved around

" I have an appointment at 12:30 wanna come?" I asked looking at the clock on the wall it read 11:10 so I had only A couple mintues to get dressed  I hopped in the shower washed up got out,Put lotion on, then I put my underGarments on and dressed in pink sweats and A pink Longsleeve shirt with my black uggs  and put my long honey brown hair  in A straight hair style

"Bae you ready?"Jazen asked coming into the bathroom wearing A seanJohn with jordans and A  bulls snapback on

"Yea" I said cleaning  the bathroom counter

"Bae you dont have time to clean come on"He said and walked out with me behind

" Babe what do you want to eat after your appointment?" Jazen asked never taking his eyes off the rode

"I had had A craving for A big mac for the longest" I replied rubbing my stomach

"Alright alright little lady Big mac it is"Jazen said pulling into A parking spot  then helping me out of the car


"Malaysia Lee"A Asian woman called  after I had been waiting there for an hour

"You coming back Jaz?"I asked standing up

"Of course I'm coming"He said standing up and streching

"How are you feeling today Ms.Lee?"The nurse asked soon as we got to the back

"Tired and Hungry"I replied

"Understandable go head and get on the scale for me" The nurse said and I did as I was told

"Okay you are now at 195 you were 180 the last time you were here so you have gained 15 lbs since  a month ago"She said

"What the hell am I gonna bounce back from that? my  weight is supposed to be 170 thats the highest Imma go now I'm all fat and shit"I said getting off the scale

"You are beautiful baby"Jazen said hugging me tight

"Thanks love, I guess we wont be having cake for my birthday this year" I said as she finished her exam

"Go in exam room 4 and Dr.Bruce  will be with you in A minute"The lady said walking off

"Hello Malaysia how are you feeling today?"Dr.Bruce asked coming into the room

"Im good doc" I replied

"Alright lets check on these kids of yours wanna know the sex of these babies Malaysia?"Dr.Bruce asked

"Yes please" I replied lifting up my shirt and Dr.Bruce put that cold ass gel on my stomach he showed us the arms and the legs  he showed that one of them was sucking there thumb

"Alright baby A is A..............Girl pink is what you shall paint on side of the room and Baby B is A.............Another bouncing baby girl you shall paint the other side green because you are having two girls"

"Yay two little girls I get to spoil and dress up two little divas babe"I said wiping my face of tears nobody could take A way this feeling I was having at the momment I looked over and seen A tear in Jazen eye and I knew he was here to stay I love this Man with every bone in my body and I shouldn't let my past reflect my future

"I Love you bae"Jazen said kissing my shoulder after we got our pictures we set up our next appointment and then went to olive Gardan for lunch

"Babe I was thinking maybe we should name the girls unique names like the boys"Jazen said taking A sip of his Lemonade

"Sure How about Victory Bryanna and Victoria Iyanna" I said taking a fork full of salad

"I like them  babe I guess those should be there names"He said smiling

"Give me some names babe" I said looking into his grey eyes

"How about Patience Bryanna and Paradise Bradence, Bradence was my nieces name she died like A year A go" Jazen replied eatting his shrimp pasta

"Awe I like those, Wait Jaceon had another daughter?"I asked

"No I have 4 brothers and 7 sisters, My oldest sister had A daughter but she died I thought you knew Jaceon wasnt the only sibling?"

"No I didn't know about you until you showed up at my house one day" I replied

"Have you met my mom Before"

"Nope he told me she was dead"

By the end of lunch we had decided to name the girls Patience Bryanna and Paradise Bradence I learned that his mothers name was Victoria Morgan and that He was the youngest out of 12 kids  after lunch he took me to this beautiful looking house

"Come on bae we here"He said waking me up

"Bae who's house is this?"I asked unbuckling myself

"You will see"He replied  opening the door and helping me out

"Mom" Jazen said opening the door

"You just cant walk up into peoples homes like this and who is mom" I whisper-yelled

"Chillax woman"He said walking into the kitchen where A tall light skinned woman was she looked maybe 40 with long hair that stopped at just A bove her butt

"Hey My bobbie how are you"She said turning around

" Hey mama, Hey auntie shawnie this is my Fiance Mankie" He said helping me into A seat

"Well hello mankie"Mrs.Morgan said smiling

"Hi Ms.Morgan" I said

"Son where did you meet this Beautiful girl and why am I just finding out about her"Mrs.Morgan asked Jazen told her the whole story about my life from me having image,Exdous,and union to Jaceon beating the crap out of me to now

"Wow I raised him better then that he is just like Jaceon Sr., How many months are you?"Mrs.Morgan asked

"I am 4 1/2 months" I replied placing my hands on my stomach

"Do you know what you are having?"

"Two girls" I replied

"Awe sweet angels names"

"Paradise Bradence and Patience Bryanna mommy"Jazen said

"Beautiful well you bring my grandsons to see me soon you hear me"Mrs. Morgan said hugging me

"Of course mama"Jazen said hugging her and helping me up after we said our goodbyes we went to go pick up the boys and then went home and watched movies wow we are going to have four children in carseats I called diamond and told her the good news she was super excited I was getting married and having two divas in A couple of months I'm too happy right now

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