Chapter 8

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"Good morning mama" I said coming down stairs with Victory in my arms  Its been  1 week since I had the girls and everything was horrible  I didn't get any sleep they cried so much

"Good morning baby girl How ya doing?"Mama Morgan said putting pancakes on plates

"I'm tired" I said putting Victory in the swing and turning it on

"Bae Journey is hungry"Jazen said walking into the kitchen with Journey in his arms

"Put her in her swing please" I said putting two bottles into the bottle warmer

"The boys have already ate so I am about to take them to school see you later"Jazen said kissing my cheek and walking out the kitchen I sat at the table and laid my head down and before I knew it I had dozed off

"Malayisa!"Mama Morgan called

" I wasn't sleep I was thinking!"I responded rubbing my eyes

"The bottles!" I said standing up and running to the bottle warmer

"Child I been got them bottles the girls are taking a nap in the livingroom maybe you should do the same"Mama morgan said wiping off the counter

"Thank you mama" I said going into the livingroom and sat on the sofa

"Babe......Malaysia"Jazen said shaking me softly

"Hey bae what time is it?"I asked looking at the time on the cable box

"Its 4:50 you have been sleeping all day are you okay?"Jazen asked

"Hell naw I aint alright I have been up all week  with them two children that cry so damn much I'm tired and my boobs are sore today has been the most I slept all week  I just wanna have A shower brush my teeth and eat okay thats all I ask for can mommy have A couple of minutes to her self that is all I ask for" I yelled scarring the hell out of everybody 

"Babe why didn't you tell me you were feeling this way I would have had other people do my drops instead of me doing them"  Jazen said  pulling me into A hug as I broke down in tears

" I didnt want you to think that I couldnt handle them but the truth is between Image and Union running around the house and  the girls needing me every 5 seconds I just need air thats it" I said wiping my face

"Well thats what you are going to get I am going to be here until the girls first check up and then we will go about it from there okay" He asked putting his forehead on mine

"Yes daddy" I replied kissing his nose then heading upstairs

Jazen P.O.V

"Jazen Have you heard from Jaceon?" Marshall asked 

Marshall was Jaceons first  love who we thought had died and she was the mother of Miari 

"Marshmallow where the hell have you been its been 6 years homie" I said patting victory's back softly as she went to sleep

"Can we meet somewhere I don't feel comfortable talking on the phone about this"She replied I gave her the address then we hung up 

"Mama can you make another bottle for  Journey" I asked putting  Victory in the playpen  to sleep

"Sure son who were you on the phone with" My mom asked

"You will see its A surprise" I said going upstairs to change

"Jazen someone is at the door"Diamond said

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