Chapter 6

28 2 3

  March 29

"Babe" I said shaking Jazen I was having major pains in my side and they  were hurting like hell

"What's wrong?"He asked thank god he was A light sleeper

"Bae my side hurts" I replied holding my stomach

"What do you need me to do wanna go to the hospatil will that make you feel better" He said pulling me into his lap and holding me like I was A baby all I could do was shake my head the pains hurt that much

"Alright come on lets get some clothes on"He said getting me A tank top and shorts with my favorite spiderman socks then helped me get dressed and off we went

                                                               2 hours later the doctor told meI was having major pains because I had over worked my self I had dialated 1 cm so he put me on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy I was only 5 months so you know I was mad as hell they were keeping my here for two days just to make sure that I was stable enough to go home Mama morgan had the boys with her and they loved her.

"Baby can you lay with me"I asked Jazen who was sitting in A chair next to my bed  on his phone

"You want me to lay with you baby" Jazen said taking his shoes off and climbing in bed with me

"Nevermind you need A shower my nigga you stink" I said covering my nose and mouth with the blanket

"Man why you tripping I aint had no shower in 24 hours I been here with you"He said smiling and pulling me closer to him

"Awe love you Bubba" I said kissing him

"Love you cookie"He said kissing my lips softly and passionately

"yall just can not keep yall hands off each other thats why she pregnant now so let me help yall out Jazen go sit you ass in that chair and don't move"Diamond said coming into the room with food

"Awe man you invited her to the party"Jazen said getting out the bed and sitting in the chair

"I invited myself thank you very much"Diamond said handingme the salad

"Thanks Diamond for the food" I said opening my salad and taking A bit

"Yeah not for ruining the moment but for bring her the food"Jazen said

"Shut up bitch nigga" Diamond said throwing the remote and he caught it

"Alright well see yall later Paris is sick so I gotta go play doctor on her"Diamond said hugging me then walking out the door

_____2  Days__Later____

"Jazen I wanna walk" I said trying to get out his arms

"Nope no walking for you" He said putting me on the bed

"I hate you so much right now" I said putting the blanket over my legs and turning on the Tv

"Alright love you too"He said kissing my forhead and walking out the room

                                                                 Later that night After we both went to bed we both heard  banging on the door

"What time is it?" I asked sitting up

"Its 4:30, I will go check to see who it is"He said getting out of bed and putting pants on

"What's up officer"Jazen asked

"Uh we are looking for Jazen Wilson do you know where we can find him?" The dark skinned officer asked

"Jazen is me whats up officer" Jazen asked

"Jazen Wilson  you are under arrest for the rape and murder of Sasha Nicole You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense"

"Jazen what did you do?bae what did you do?"I asked trying to talk to him

"Ma'am move"The white officer said pushing me

"No muFucka you move" I said trying to get out of his grip ignoring the pain that shot through my body

"Bae just go in the house and call somebody I'm fine"Jazen said with tears

"I love you" I said as they drove off

"Diamond can you get to my house  quickly and tell your brother to get down to the jailhouse" I said before hanging up the phone and calling mama morgan about 30 minutes later everybody was at the house all I could do was cry

"What are the charges Malaysia?"Diamond asked

"Something about the rape and murder of sasha But I dont see how cause we aint seen sasha or Jaceon in A couple of months"I replied wiping my face

"What sasha is dead where is Jazen Jr.?"Mama Morgan asked

"I d k mama I dont know"I said pacing the floor

"Girl sit down Marc get her some water"Diamond said sitting me down

"Alright we are gonna go down to the jailhouse and maybe talk  to someone about these charges alright"Marc said handing me the water I sat it on the table and went upstairs to my bed

"Diamond you stay here with Her and Mrs.Morgan and I will go to the jail house"Marco said

"Alright let me go check on my sister" Diamond said walking up the stairs

2 weeks later

"You have A collect Call from Jazen Wilson do you except the charges"


"Hey Bae" He said sounding sad

"Hi Honey" I said cheerfully

" I miss your voice Babe"He replied

"Babe I miss you" I said trying to hold back my tears

"How are my girls" He asked

"They are fine I saw Dr.Bruce yesterday he said they are doing fine growing right and erthing"I replied choking on my tears

"Bae dont cry you gone make me cry"He said softly

"Did you do it?" I asked wiping my face

"No I aint seen Sasha I didn't even know she died" He replied telling me everything they had  told him and then Our conversation got cut off by operator I laid my phone on the nightstand and cried myself to sleep

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