*Not Your Fault*

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"So guys...?" Josh said to break the complete silence, everyone just stopped and gave him that timid glare. "Yes?" Sara said, "I don't know" he mumbled looking in the opposite direction. "How's life guys?" I said rolling my eyes at Josh and Sara, "eh you know the normal, mom and dad fight constantly telling me how I'm such a mistake, a useless mistake" Felix said making everyone look up and stop their moving, slowing turning their heads. "Sorry Felix" we all said in unison. "Sorry for what, I'm sure it's none of your fault, guys it's okay so what about you?" "Well my parents are closer to getting a divorce, the moment dad leaves my life will be 100% better, at least I keep telling myself that" I replied, "It'll get better Char I promise." Felix smiled at me.

***Felix POV***
I knew there was something going on between Vic and Charlotte, at least that's what I thought, she was so beautiful, her crooked smile, her peaceful laugh, her sweet voice, her tender touch, her everything. She was perfect, I've known her for 5 years. She was my first friend in school, and we've been close ever since. I never really talk, I guess they call me anti-social, oh but I usually have a lot of things to say, I hear all they talk about, their life's, their struggles, me, I hear them. But I let it slide because I hate communicating unless it's with Char, I just love her oh so much and I don't think it's in that way. But it's never okay to just let it go, I have to figure this all out. Maybe talk to her more, hangout more? "Hey Char do you think maybe when schools out you wanna hangout for a little?" I asked "Um sure Felix, that'd be cool" she smiled back. I was happier than you think "Ok then I'll just walk home with you or?" "Well I'll just have mom pick us up" "Ok that's fine" I replied. Everyone staring at us, like we did something wrong they all have hung out with her by themselves. It was my turn, and it was gonna be exciting.

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