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Lara POV:
Riker walks in and looks confused.
'Uhmm...' Was the only thing he could say. 'What are you guys doing..?'
'Umm.. N-nothing..' Ross stood up and walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. 'Do you guys want some lemonade?' He asks.
'Y-yeah, please.' I said and stood up. 'Im going to the toilet!'

What the heck... Did I really just kissed the real Ross!? Its so weird. How could this happen? Is it my fault? Shit...

I opened the door again and walk towards my bed and sit down. My head hurts a little, maybe its from the stress and ofcourse the car accident, its almost one week further but I still have a lot of pain.

Ross POV:

Okay... So I really kissed her. I feel so bad. Maybe she doesn't even like me... Im so dumb, why do I fall in love with a fan? Its not the best way to fall in love like this...

'Should I ask the doctors if we maybe can go to the mall or something?' Riker asks.
'Yeah, cool idea.' I say and stand up.
'Yep cool!' Lara says.

-a couple of minutes later-
'I asked the doctors if theyre okay with it if we go, and it was okay, so we can go.' Riker says.
I stood up just like Lara and we all walk outside.
The weather is great, the sun shines and there are no clouds. We took the taxi to the big mall in california.

We first go to a snackbar because we needed lunch. We all sit down and ordered a hamburger.

'Im gonna pee.' I said and walked to the toilets.

Lara POV:
Ross walks away and Im here alone with Riker.

I dont want a hamburger, I don't want to eat at all... I just have to say that im not really hungry. Im dizzy.. I only ate a sandwich this morning.

'So... How are you?' Riker asks.
'Uhmm.. yeah, im okay.' I awnser.

I feel terrible, I wanna cut again and I start to hyperventilate. I don't want Riker to see that im not okay, but it was too late for that.

'Lara, are you really okay? You're shaking.'
'Y-yeah.. Im-im ok-okay.' I tried to awnser. I walk away to the toilets and fell on the ground.

Riker POV:
'Lara!? What the f*ck! Wake up!' I screamed.
I picked her up and laid her on my lap. I called the docter and he came as fast as he could.

All the people who were eating, formed a circle around me and lara to see if they could help. Ross walked towards us and looked very shocked. He grabbed Lara and held her in his arms.
He walked away outside and I followed him.
We both saw the ambulance coming and stepped inside.

We drove to the hospital and they took Lara to the surgeryroom without saying a word to us. They locked the door and we had to wait untill they were finished.

Im so nervous, what if she's not okay at all? This is just horrible...

After 14 hours of waiting, the docter came in with Lara. I stood up and saw that she was still asleep.
'She is still sleeping. We dont know whats wrong with her, we're not sure but its probably because her weight is low she may wake up tomorrow, but im not 100% sure about it.' The docter said.

Oh.. Okay.' Was the only thing I could say.
I saw that Ross walked away to the bathroom and locked the door.
I heard him crying...
'Ross, open the door.' I slammed on the door but Ross didnt replied.

30 seconds later, the door opened and Ross didn't walked to me, but to Lara.
He hugged her, and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
'Im going to sleep.' He said. He walked to the bathroom and locked the door again.

I gave Lara also a hug.
I think I start to like her too. Would Ross be mad at me?

I decided to call her mom, it was maybe a little late but uhmm yeah, she has to know whats going on here.

'Hey!' I said.
'Heeeey! How are you guys?' She asked.
'Im so sorry to tell you this but, Lara is kinda in coma.' I said while I started to cry.
'Wait, what!? What happened?'
'She fell on the floor in a restaurant, her weight is too low. Now she just had a su-surgery, I don't know why, and she will wake up probably in a couple of days but were not 100% sure about that.' I awnsered.
'Oh my gosh! I'll be there in 20 minutes! I drive as fast as I can!'

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! How could this happen!? Im so afraid!
I drive as fast as I could to the hospital.
Suddenly I see a car coming from the right. I was in shock and couldn't stop, I keep driving, and drive fully into the other car. Everything goes black before my eyes.
This is the end.

Sooo... This is sad haha...

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