» nostalgia and hostages

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nostalgia and hostages x jerome holds you hostage since you're james' daughter but then you seem too familiar

My eyes searched around the fear-filled room, desperately searching for any sign that my father could be here; coming to the rescue like he always does in situations like this.

It felt hopeless, though, when I came short of any sight of him and instead looked up at where my step-mother was held hostage by my 'mother' - if you could call her that - and Jerome Valeska who was on the phone with my father.

I helplessly watched as Jerome looked down at the crowd, phone in hand and a psychotic grin on his face as he searched for his next victim. The idea of him seeing me in the crowd and recognizing both terrified and relieved me.

On one hand, he might recognize me and let me go due to the fact that I did make him have the time of his life that one date. On the other hand, he might recognize me and possibly brutally murder me since I never went somewhere with him again.

But in my defense, he was the one who mysteriously disappeared on me; To what I now know was Arkham. So, it's not like it was entirely my fault.

"Ah," I heard him say while a bright light flashed over my seat at the far back table. So much for not recognizing me. "My dear friend, I think there's someone else here that you might be familiar with."

One of his waiter worker's hand tightly held onto my bare arm and pulled me out of my seat, making the group of people at my table gasp at the scene in front of them; too afraid to make a move and play 'hero'.

It felt as if the walk there took an eternity, with me rehearsing what to do when I finally made it to the stage. There was the option of running of, but who knows how far I'd get until I got shot by one of his.

"The daughter of the great James Gordon, give her a hand people!"

The crowd erupted into the action forced clapping at his words, all of them shooting me a look of worry when I finally climbed up the steps of the stage where my two of my parents and a murderer stood; the man with the camera documenting my every step.

I saw Barbara's blue eyes widen at the sight of me after so long, almost seeming as if she was gonna sent me back into the crowd in fear of what he'd do but he beat her to it.

"You have a very beautiful daughter, Gordon." He brought me to a dangerous distance away from him, his fingers digging into my side. "I can't help but wonder where she got her good looks from."

Barbara scoffed at his statement, obviously insulted, while James yelled into the phone to let both of us go without any damage. At the sound of my name being spoken on the other side, Jerome's eyebrows furrowed in confusion before looking down at me.

"Hold that thought." Jerome told James, shutting the phone in his hand and ending the call instead of actually putting him on hold. He let go of me and pointed the knife in his hand at me in an accusingly way, twirling it in a small circle. "Y/N?"

Barbara tensed up at the sight of  his knife pointed my way while Jerome called my name so casually. I didn't blame her, I never told her or James about my date with him; knowing they'd disapprove immediately.

"Uh huh." I hesitantly nodded, unsure of what the right answer might be in this case. He was always unpredictable and having him less than a foot away from me didn't help the situation at hand.

He grinned, causing me to relax until I saw him taking out a gun from the inside of his suit jacket. "Jerome, please don't." I pleaded when I saw him walk towards me, closing the distance between us with each step he took.

"Jerome." Barbara sternly called, not moving from her spot while her and Leslie watched the whole scene unravel in front of them; Leslie's fear showing through more than Barbara's.

He ignored her statement, standing less than a few inches away from me with the gun. "And why shouldn't I?" The crowd gasped at the sight of the the gun being aimed in between my eyes, almost touching the skin there.

"This isn't the you I remember." I tried, not sure what else to tell him to try to reason him out of this. "You're scaring me, J." I had only used the nickname in hopes that it would soften him up, make him realize how dumb he was being.

I saw the look on his face soften at the nickname, despite the weapon still being aimed at me. While Barbara placed her hands on her hips and shot me a look. "J?" A reprimanding tone in her voice.

"You should be scared." His finger reached for the trigger, menacingly hovering over it. "Thats kinda the point here, Y/N." Jerome shrugged up one shoulder before finally holding down on the trigger, the sound of the shot ringing in my ears while I shut my eyes.

When no pain came, I opened my eyes to find him standing there with the same smile on his face while a red banner filled my eyesight.

I sighed in relief at the banner that was only inches away from my face, the word 'bang!' sprawled across the red background; thankful that it wasn't a bullet in my skull instead.

"Got you!"

Sorry for my absence guys, there was technical difficulties. But I'm back now! ☺️💖

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