Ch4: Coming home

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Mariano at the top or the side.

The pictures where everywhere, he needed her near him. He was losing his grip on life, he needed her and he had to have her. She ledt him and he wasn't about to be at peace about it.

"You will be mine again, I will have you back with me you belong to me and no one else"

The pictures that were lined up along the walls showing just how much he wanted her...just how crazy he was for her. From his point of view he needed her... But she doesn't need him, and that was something he couldn't bare.


Mika quite she wasn't about to put up with that everyday, that was unacceptable no woman should have to put up with that kind of behavior on a job.

She was currently heading over to Mrs. Harringtons house to talk, she was a little upset now that she has to find a new job. Praying that She was not ruined in the business world.

Mika pulled into the driveway, all week she has been searching for jobs and setting up interviews. It was Saturday, and today she was happy now that tomarrow Jake was to arrive home.

She had sent Kaymin a text to let him know when they would be on their way to the airport to great Jake.

Mrs. Harrington opened the door as soon as mika pulled into the driveway.

"Hello honey" she said a big smile on her face.

"Hey Mrs. Karla" Mika said walking in, with a smile on her face.

"Hey Charlotte" Mika said to the little girl sitting in the floor playing.

Charlotte started to clap.

"Mimki!!" Charlotte squealed.

"Heyyy" Mika said picking her up and kissing her cheek.

She has always wanted a child of her own, she was just never sure how to break it to Jake. He'd make a great father she knows, just by watching him when when Charlotte was born.

"Hey Victoria do you mind if I take Charlotte put for some ice cream?"

"Not at all go ahead, just make sure not to give her to much of it" Victoria, Jake's sister says packing Charlotte a small baby bag.

"Would you like to come Mrs. Karla?"

"Oh no honey I have to run to the store to get the things for dinner tomorrow when Jake comes back home"

"Ok, well we'll see you guys soon" Mika said grabbing the baby bag.

"Bye bye!!" Charlotte said , waving bye.

Charlotte was a good baby she never really cried, but Mika always wondered who her father was. Charlotte had black thick curly hair and light brown eyes with naturally Olive skin. She looked mixed.

Mika put Mika in the car seat that she was given for when she was to spend the night with her and Jake. Charlotte's birthday qas a few month's away and she was to be two years old.

Mika drove off to the ice cream parlor not to far from the Harrington's house. She wanted to to have a family, start a complete life with Jake and get married. She loved him dearly, she was madly in love with him and still is.

Mika parked her car into the parking lot of the ice cream parlor. She took Charlotte out of the carseat and grabbed the baby bag.

She stood in line with Charlotte in her arms.

"Excuse me ma'am but is that your child? She's an adorable little something" the woman smiled.

"Oh no ma'am she's not, she's my niece"

"She looks just like you" the woman smiled walked away.

Mika was next in line.

"Hello ma'am what can I get you today?" the young man asked.

"Hmmm can I have chocolate ice cream in a waffle cone please, and what would you like?" Mika asked Charlotte pointing to the different ice creams.

"Well strawberry it is then, in a cup please"

"Sure thing" the boy said fixing their treats.

After theu got their ice cream Mika and Charlotte had a seat outside, while mika fed Charlotte her ice cream.

He watched her, wandering was that her child. Wondering if her so called boyfriend was the father. He wished that she would be back on the job with him, his cravings to have her near him was killing him slowly.

Watching her care for the child with such tenderness made him want to make her have his own child from her. Let her be the mother this time...


"Kaymin where are you we're on our way to the airport now"

"I'm coming I woke up late sorry, I'll be there in 5"

"Ok well bye and hurry upppp" Mika sweetly demanded.

She sped her way to and through the parking lot of the airport wanting to be right there when he gets off the plane.

"Mika honey slow down ok I know it's been a while since you had some intimate time with Jake but there's no need to go this fast" Mrs Harrington said.

Jeremy, Victoria amd Jake's father bust out into a fit of laughter. Victoria her self couldn't help but laugh.

"Mrs. Karla...that is not the case I-I ju-"

"No need to finish honey, it's ok we understand" Mrs Harrington replied patting Mika's shoulder a smirk on her face.

Mika parked the car into the parking space and got out of the car, walking in leaving the rest of them to walk by them selves.

She stood there waiting for him to walk through thoes doors, she couldn't stop the smile that was on her face.

And there he was Jake, walking though thoes doors holding his bags. She couldn't wait She ran over to him, he dropped his bags and she jumped into his arms.

They shared a long passionate kiss not letting each other go, holding onto one another as if they will never be apart again. Mika started to cry letting the tears flow down her face.

"Oh God baby I've missed you so much"

"I've missed you to more than you know" Mika said letting him go so that he can go to the rest of his family.

Kaymin stood with a smile on his face, seeing his old best friend after a long time. Mrs. Harrington stood with tears in her eyes as she held her son in her arms again, having him back home safe was what she wanted most of all.

"My baby" she said holding him.

"Hi mom" he said kissing her cheek.

"Hey little bro" Victoria said with a smile on her face Charlotte in her arms.

Jake smiled, and gave his sister a hug and kissed his niece.


Jeremy embraced his son in a hug, before Jake left him and his father were not on good terms. Jeremy didn't realize till he thought that he was going to lose Jake, that what they were made about wasn't important.

"I'm glad to have you back to me son" Jeremy said trying to hold back his tears.

"I missed you to" Jake let go of his dad and looked at Kaymin, with a smile on his face.

"Wassup bro, long time no see"

Kaymin said giving him a bro hug, Jake whispered into Kaymins ear.

"If I find out that you slept with her or even tried. You're dead." Jake whispered his tone serious.

Kaymin was still but had no worries because he knew that he did nothing of that sort.

"What ever man, I'd never do nothing like that".

Heyyy guys thanks for reading hope that you enjoyed it.

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