Chapt 11- Lisa Spirit Animal

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Lisa POV:

I wake up in a room filled with flowers and water and the color of the room is blue. My head hurts wonder what happened all I remember is getting shot with a poison dart and I fainted.

*Lisa walks up to the counter*

Lisa: Um excuse me miss where am I?

Counter: Why Olympus of course.

Lisa: Wait what?

Counter: Yea you should have known.

*Alex walks in*

Alex: Why Lisa so nice of you to join me.

*Lisa turns towards Alex and charges toward him slamming into the wall*

Alex: So much force.

Lisa: You bastard you killed me.

Alex: True but only cause I need your help with my plan.

Lisa: I don't want nothing to do with your plan.

*Lisa punches Alex in the face and turns to walk away*

Alex: Fine then I guess Zach will keep messing with Leah.

*Lisa turns around*

Lisa: What was that?

Alex: I guess Zach will continue to bang Leah.

Lisa: No he will not.

Alex: What you going to do your just a human but with my help you could beat the Goddess of Love.

Lisa: How?

*Alex transforms into a dragon*

Alex: Like this look at me I'm a dragon.

Lisa: How you do that?

Alex: It's my spirit animal everybody here in Olympus has one.

Lisa: Even Leah.

Alex: Yes even her.

Lisa: Then how am I supposed to beat her.

Alex: I give you one of these animals and some of my power then you fight Leah and you will not only win but also get Zach.

Lisa: Okay then lets put this plan into action.

Alex POV:

Yes! Lisa is on my side now only to kill Zach and he will loose the fight against me.

*1 hour later Lisa and Alex are walking*

Alex: You scared?

Lisa: No hbu?

Alex: Nope

*Lisa walks into the spirit animal shop*

Alex: Hello Eric

Eric: Why Alex what's up?

Alex: Not much just wanting to know can we get Lisa spirit animal.

Eric: Sure right this way Lisa.

Lisa: Okay.

*Lisa walks to the spirit machine*

Eric: Now just lay under and it will tell what animal you should have.

*Lisa stands under and Eric turns on the machine*

Eric: In just a few seconds we should know.

*Machine beeps and paper pops outs*

Alex: What does it say?

Eric: A dragon hmm you don't look selfish.

Lisa: Oh hell yes I am I want Zach all to myself.

*Eric takes the paper and puts it into the filing cabinet and pulls out the dragon spirit*

Lisa: So how do we get this spirit?

Eric: (starts laughing) You will see.

*Lisa ends up screaming really loud*

Lisa: Owe that hurts like really bad.

Eric: Yea sorry about that.

*3 hours later Lisa and Alex are in Alex mansion*

Lisa: Wow this place is big

Alex: Yes I know. So what do you wanna do.

Lisa: How about we have sex just this once.

Alex: Hmm okay but only once.

So Lisa is really going through with this plan to fight Leah for Zach wow she really stupid lol but stay strong and stay healthy thanks for keeping up with this story stay tuned more drama coming up check out my other story Thought She Was The One for way more drama

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