Chapter 2

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Ail is a 14 year old girl her friends Randy and Howard well today she was getting School pens and paper and all that so she didn't go to school well she never goes to school on the first day afther summer vacation..


"I hate when summer is over! Oh well." I was saying to myself when I hear something in the woods behind the school.

"Well I have nothing to do." I said as I walk far inside the dark and scary woods only to trip over a big headed kid. Wow this kid has a very big head. Aw a green puppy, and and a green boy hey that girl has the same hair color as Randy.

So I took them to my houes they where young about 12 or 10 and or 9 year olds. I had rooms but in the house but no family. I lived alone so at lest they will be here. I'm gonna make food, I was making waffles today they look like they haden't ate yet so why not.


"Gir I said no more waffles!" Zim was shouting in his sleep as Dib kicked him and Gaz kicked both of them.

They all woke up to a smell of waffles in the air.

"Wait this isn't my base. Gir! Where are we?" Zim shouted to Gir.

"I don't know··· weeee!" Gir said as he ran around the room.

"Zim if it wasn't for you we wouldn't be in this!" Dib shouted as they begain to fight but was then stoped by a hand.

"Hey! Stop it both of you! Before I make you! Ya got it?" I asked they looked scared but noded any way.

"Good. Now you all may seat down." I said as the two sat down along with the girl with the same color hair as Randy.

"The waffles are done so go ahead and help yourselfs." I said to the kids and dog I put down some waffles down with some milk which he took.

"Um thanks at lest this doesn't make me sick." Said the green kid.

"Yeah thanks, but where are we?" Said the kid with the big head and glasses.

"Norrisville, oh and my names Ail. And if ya need me I'm playing the new Grave Puncher video game!" I shouted out for a girl I love Grave Puncher.

"Can I play?" The girl asked I all most fell to the ground.

"Y-you play video games. Yes someone that knows me! Grab the waffles cause you are going play with the best gamer in this town! This is so bruce!" I said.

"Bruce? I don't like that name." The girl said.

"It stands for you know cool." I said.

"Oh." She said we played for along time till it was time for bed.

"Oh no! It's 10:00 PM! I have school! I hate school the only ones that no me is Randy and Howard!" I said.

Then took The girl to her room which I now no her name I put her in bed.

"Good night Gaz." I said and left the room.

"Hey, come the three of you need a room." I said to them.

"But first what are your names? Only Gaz told was hers." I said.

"I'm Dib." The big headed kid said.

"And I am Zim! And that's Gir!" Zim shouted.

"Well thoughs are some cool names." I said to them and took them to a room.

"Good night, hey maybe I could get you all in my school and put you all in my grade and in my classes." I said as I left them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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Invader Zim in Randy Cunningham 9th Grade NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now