Chapter One

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Sam walked into Rachael’s room, it was Saturday morning, “hey, I was wondering what you are doing tonight..” she asked.

Rachael sat up, turning off the TV, “nothing, why what’s up?” she patted the bed next to her.

Sam sat down, “well, Cassie said there was a foam party in town, and she want’s to know it we want to go."

“Yeah, sounds fun.” Rachael smiled. “okay, I’ll let her know.. It’s at seven.” Sam was walking to the door and left.

Rachael picked up her phone, she has recently gotten off the phone with Cody, they were getting on a plane to come home from Europe. She was excited and couldn’t wait to hold him again. She’d been to Florida a few times through the year and met his mom and sister. They loved her. Rachael didn’t know Cody had a surprise for her when he got back, and that Sam and Cassie were in on it. 

Sam and Austin got together officially before they left again, a year ago. Cody and Rachael hadn’t made it official yet, but were planning on it, and Cody knew he’d have to break it to the fans easy, which is why they were waiting so long. They would post pictures together and things, throwing out hints, some people caught on, others didn’t want to believe it. 

Rachael laid back down and fell back asleep. She dreamt of Cody and his safe return home, and holding him again. When she woke up, she felt disgruntled. When she looked at the clock she couldn’t believe it said it was two pm. She got up and went downstairs. Sam was sitting in the living room with Cassie, watching TV.

“Well hello sleepy head,” Cassie said laughing.

Sam smiled, “your hair is a mess.”

“I know.. I can’t believe I fell back asleep” she sat down next to Cassie.

Well you were up all night talking to Cody.” Sam said.

Rachael nodded, that was true. “I miss him, and can’t wait until he’s home.”

Sam agreed with her, “I can’t wait until Austin is home.”

“I don’t know how you guys do it, if Aaron went away like this all the time, I couldn’t” Cassie said.

“It’s tough, but dance keeps me busy..” Rachael sighed.

Her mom walked in the living room, holding her work bag, “hey guys, work needs me, I’ll be home soon.” she hugged them all goodbye.

Rachael got up and walked into the kitchen to get something to eat. Not finding much she went with Mac n’ Cheese. She sat a the island and read the paper while she waited for the water to boil. The back door opened and Kat walked in.

“Hey, what’s up?” she asked her.

Kat had her photography bag with her, “I’m going to the foam party also, to take photos.”

Rachael got up to pour the noodles in, “oh, okay, sounds good.”

Sam walked in the kitchen, “Hey Kat.” 

“Hey, how’s Austin?”  she asked.

Sam smiled, “he’s good. They are on the plane home.”

“That’s good.” Kat said then went into the living room, saying hi to Cassie.

Sam sat down at the island and watched Rachael cook. She couldn’t wait for Cody to get there, well all of them actually. Austin told her they’d be in by nine. What Rachael didn’t know, it there really was no foam party, Cassie and Sam were just getting her out of the house, and Kat was there to photograph the surprise. 

“What’s that smile about?” Rachael said breaking her out of her thoughts.

“What? Oh, just thinking off Austin..” she looked away.

Rachael laughed, “Gross. But the foods done, if you want some.” She made a bowl, grabbed a juice and went to the table in the dining room.

Sam joined her with a bowl as well. Cassie walked in and Rachael let her know, then she joined with a bowl also. They sat in silence as they eat. Cassie and Sam smiling to one another, careful Rachael didn’t see. 

At six o’clock they were all getting ready to go, and by six thirty they were in Cassie’s car headed towards the mall. Rachael didn’t notice where they were going at first, but then she noticed they weren’t headed downtown. 

“Cassie, you’re going the wrong way, downtown is the other way…” Rachael said.

Sam and Cassie laughed, “I know..”

Rachael was upset, “Okay.. Well then where are we going?”

Sam turned around, “okay, there is no foam party, we needed something to get you to agree to come out.. We are going to the mall for a little.. I remember you saying you wanted to do some shopping.” 

“Well yeah, but why did you have to get me to come out?” she asked raising her eye brows.

Sam turned back around, “no reason..”

Rachael let it go, not in a mood to fight. They arrived at the mall and parked. When they walked in, Rachael was almost afraid she was going to be attacked or something, but she wasn’t. They did a lot of shopping. Sam picked out a nice dark green summer dress with a brown belt for Rachael, and told her she had to change into before they left. 

They spent hours shopping. “okay guys, can we go home now?” Rachael asked.

Sam looked at her phone, it said nine thirty the mall was about to close, “sure, but let’s stop for ice cream on the way home. Go to the bathroom and change first."

“Why do I have to change?” she asked her, but Sam pushed her towards the bathroom and she sighed.

When she came they both whistled at her, and she laughed, “shut up and lets go.” They walked to the car and threw everything in the trunk.

“Where are we going for ice cream?” Cassie asked.

“How about cold stone?” Rachael suggested. They all like the idea.

Rachael tried to get one of them to talk, why they needed her out of the house, why she had to change, and why they were stalling by getting ice cream. But they wouldn’t talk. She gave up when they got to cold stone, ordered her favorite and sat down outside to eat it. When they all finished they got back in the car and drove home.

When they got to the house, Sam grabbed Rachael and put her hands over her eyes. She fought her but lost. Sam led her around the house to the back yard.

When she let go of her eyes, Rachael’s jaw dropped.

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