Chapter Two

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The band was off to the side, and they started to play. Rachael didn’t recognize the song at first, until she saw Cody walk out from behind the speaker and start to sing. She couldn’t help but smile. 

“You know I'd fall apart without you. I don't know how you do what you do, ‘Cause everything that don't make sense about me, makes sense when I'm with you..” Cody closed his eyes for a minute and continued singing.

Rachael was motionless, watching him, listening to his perfect voice. She looked over at the rest of the guys and they all smiled at her.

“And I just wanna wrap you up, wanna kiss your lips. I wanna make you feel wanted, and I wanna call you mine. wanna hold your hand forever, and never let you forget it. Yeah, I wanna make you feel wanted, baby, I wanna make you feel wanted.” 

Cody dropped the microphone as the song came to an end and ran over to her, picking her up and swinging her around, then kissing her lips. She couldn’t help but laugh and kiss him back. When he put her down the rest of the guys came running over and tackled her. She hugged them, one by one.

“I don’t even know what to say..” she trailed off, a little chocked up.

Cody wiped the few tears streaming down her face, and kissed her again. “did you like it?” 

She smiled, “I loved it. You all were amazing.”

The guys laughed and backed away. Cody took her hands in his, and put his forehead to hers, “Will you be mine?”

She started crying a little more, “yes, I will.” She heard clapping all around them, then a lot of laughter. She looked around, realizing how many people were actually there. Her mom, Kat and Chris, Sam, Cassie, her parents, Aaron, Tim, Cody’s mom, his sister and her husband.

“Oh wow,” she whispered, and Cody laughed. “They hid well, didn’t they,” she shook her head. 

Everyone came running over and started hugging Rachael and Cody. He heard his mom says to hers, “I’m wondering what it will be like when he purposes to her.” Everyone laughed. 

Everyone scattered around the yard, chatting amongst each other. Eventually Cody called saying the food was ready. He had grilled burgers and hot dogs for everyone. They all lined up at the tabled Kat had set up and then went back to where they were, talking and eating. Kat and Chris photographing every memory, but making sure they were in them also.

Rachael was standing at the edge of the yard, looking up at the sky. Cody came over and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him. “what are we looking at?”

She leaned her head on his shoulder, “just the stars. They are really shining bright tonight.” 

“That’s because you are outside, “he kissed her head and she laughed. “I’m going to help the guys load the van. They are headed to Florida tomorrow morning.”  They kissed and he walked way. She stood there for a few minutes until her heard her name being called.

She hugged Sam and Cassie when she got to them, “Thank you.” they laughed, “It was all the guys idea” Sam said.

Rachael looked over at them and Maxx waved at her, Dan winked. “Oh..

Cassie smiled, “yeah, Austin called Sam a few days ago, said they’d plan everything, our only job was to get you out of the house.”

Rachael laughed, “well, I’ll need to thank them again. Now that I think about it, I know now why Kat changed her mind and didn’t come with us..” she trailed off, watching Cody and Zach pushing an amplifier into the trailer. 

Kat and Chris walked over, “we’re going to head home.” They all hugged goodbye and watched them drive away. Slowly everyone else left. Cody’s mom, sister and brother in law went to their hotel. They guys went to the guest rooms and got comfortable. Sam and Austin went to her room. Her mom went off to her own room. 

Cody and Rachael were standing in the kitchen, after saying goodnight to everyone. He pulled her in close to him, their bodies pressed together. He leaned down and kissed her, starting with her lips, then moving down her chin and onto her neck. Shivers ran down her spine. A quiet moan escaped her lips and he smiled. She felt his breath against her neck. She picked his head up and kissed his lips, biting his lower lip, running her hands through his hair. He took one of her hands, kissed it, and led her up the stairs to her room.

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