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Ever since I was a child, I've always believed in magic. Magic to me was beautiful, mysterious, a force that shouldn't be meddled with. It was comforting, like a big, warm blanket on a winter night.

Reality was such a bore-wake up, eat, go to school, return home, eat, sleep, repeat. It was routine, and for some people that's good, routine is predictable and safe. But I wanted adventure, I wanted to see new places, I wanted to experience magic firsthand. 

And I knew I would, I knew it, my father knew it, and my mother knew it too. They were the ones who told me stories about mermaids saving princes, and young girls defeating whole armies. They got me into magic and mystery. They introduced me to a whole new world (No pun intended).

But life always has ways to challenge us, and even back then I knew it. According to my parents, I was ready for anything life would throw my way..and I believed them. So there I was, smiling with my arms crossed like an idiot, my eyes sparkling with mirth, waiting for life to test me. And it did, just not the way I expected. I never expected my mother to die-anyone to die really. But she did, it happened. I guess that even though my parents had made sure that I knew how life worked and how to play, they forgot to tell me that sometimes you just can't win. So, by the age of 4 and a half, I was officially motherless. 

The rest is hazy after that. I know my father tried to keep us together, he even remarried. He moved us to a new house, in a new state. He tried so hard to make it work. And for awhile it did, until one day. I remember coming home from school, dashing through the kitchen into the living room. 

"Daddy? Dad!"

My step mother (she made me call her Ma) was sitting down on a leather chair, with older women sitting around her, whispering about Lord knows what. What were they whispering for, I remember thinking.

"Your father isn't here, and he won't be here..for awhile." Ma had replied.

And that was that. Sure I had tried to ask over and over where my dad had gone, when he was coming back, and why he had even left in the first place. But I always got the same exact response each time: "Good things come to those who wait."

Witch I found irrelevant and extremely annoying, but eventually I stopped. I just woke up one day and decided that my dad was coming back and I shouldn't waste time fussing over nothing. And that's how it's been to this day.

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