Chapter 1

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"Nothing is impossible- the word itself says I'm possible!" -Audrey Hepburn.


"You move, you little freak."

"Who are you calling a freak, four eyes?"

"Oh, four eyes, so original."

"You mean like how your hair is original?"

"Look who's talking! You're the only one in this whole house with a weave, and not just any weave, but a Brazilian one."

"Talk about my hair one more time-"

"Or what? We both know you wouldn't dare lay a finger on me."

"IF YOU BOTH DON"T SHUT THE HELL UP!" I scream, jumping up off my bed.

"It was all her fault." Aaliyah says, pointing at the other girl.

"Oh hell no, this is all her fault. All I said was move." Grace crosses her arms.

I roll my eyes. "Gracey, you are 19 years old, liyah you are 15, why the hell are you both up yelling at this time?"

"What do you mean? It's 5:30." Aaliyah replies confused.

My eyes widen. "Oh shit!"

I run inside of our closet and start throwing clothes, looking for a decent outfit.

"Go clean yourself up, I got you." Grace says, pushing me into the bathroom.

"Thanks, I owe you." I lock the bathroom door and sigh.



"So, I'm guessing you didn't do the English homework?" Samira asks me.

"No. I forgot. Damn, Ms. Kelp will have my ass." I bite my lip in frustration and pull my hood down lower.

"You think you have problems? This is the first time you forgot to do the homework, I, on the other hand have never done it." Samira shakes her head and looks out the window.

"You can always copy off Jeff." We look at each other. "Nah."

"You could threaten to slit his throat if he didn't let you copy off him, and the idiot would just shrug his shrimpy ass shoulders and smirk." Samira crosses her legs. "I swear ta God, nerds be acting like they gangstas. They're forgetting their place."

"Maybe that's a good thing." I say, shrugging.

Samira rolls her eyes. "Well of course, you would think that way, Ms-Everyone-should-be-treated-the-same."

"What can I say, I'm the new female version of MLK." I grin, brushing off pretend dust from my sweatshirt.

Samira smacks me and I laugh. The bus stops suddenly and we both groan. "We're here."


"Good morning class, how are you guys doing on this fine day?" Mr. H says cheerfully.

"Do you really want to know?"Asks Yasmin, painting her nails.

"No, I just thought I would act like I cared for a few minutes." Mr. H responds sarcastically.

"I love that color." I tell Yasmin.

"Thanks, it's called 'Midnight Blue', I just got it." She smiles and goes back to painting her nails.

"Okay class, for the next 15 minutes, what would you like to discuss." Mr. H asks leaning back in his chair.

"Do you think that someone could actually, I don't know, be a hero?" Aaron asks, wiping his glasses with a cloth.

"What kind of question is that? Of course, there are many people who did-and are still giving us all a reason to have faith in humanity." Mr. H says, taking a swig from his thermos.

"Yeah, but like do you think people in costumes and masks, could actually do anything, like Kickass."

"Um, no. Unless someone is actually stupid enough to try. I hope you're not asking this because you-"

"No, no." Aaron says quickly. "I was just asking."

"You need to stop reading the comic books kid." Mr. H sighs, as some kids in the back start to snicker.


"That's the bell. See you all tomorrow." Mr. H yells over the loud commotion.

I stretch and stand up slowly, taking my sweet time.

"Any day now kid." Mr H grumbles.

I give him a nod and run out the door.


"Finally a perfect end to a perfect day." Samira grins.

I raise an eyebrow "Um, weren't you the one who was complaining about going to school and how everyone annoyed the shit out of you-Oh, you talked to Marcus didn't you?" I asked after noticing the expression on her face. I don't even know why I asked, Marcus was the only guy who could get Samira to sigh like that.

"He gave me this bracelet." Samira squealed, holding out her hand. I take a look and nod.

"That's nice. But did he tell you why he wasn't able to meet up with you last Friday?" I ask her. Samira shakes her head.

"Ana, don't start okay. He said that he had work to do." Samira says exasperated. I turn in my seat to face her. I look around the bus before opening my mouth.

"And you know what kind of 'work' he does! I can't believe you would go for someone like that, I mean you always used to be the one other person, besides me, who swore to never get mixed up in the street life." I hissed. No matter what, I had to get through to Samira.

The bus screeches to a halt and as Samira and I walk down the aisle to get off, I lock eyes with a guy. He was pretty good-looking with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He gave me a quick glance then looked back down at his phone. I roll my eyes. White kids.

"Hey, I didn't know you were moving? Why didn't you tell me?" Samira ask angrily. I shake my head. "What? Who told you that?"

"Oh, I don't know? Maybe the moving men loading your family's furniture into the back of a moving van?" Samira huffs and walks away.

I run over to the apartment and run up the stairs. I get to the second level and power walk to apartment number 206. I am greeted by the sight of my whole family running around in complete chaos. I open my mouth and ask the question that has been on my mind for the last minute and a half. "What is going on?"

So, how are you guys doing? I don't know how I'm doing right now with the book. I hope okay though. Please take note of the fact that the ideas and thoughts and many perspectives of any of the characters does not, in anyway, reflect my own thoughts on subjects that are discussed. 

Thank you and have a fabulous day :)

Disney quote of the day, 'First think, Second, believe, Third, dream, and Finally dare!' -Walt Disney

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