When U See Him

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So I was walking normal in the school in then i saw him in the HALLWAY like OMG i just saw the man most cute💕 of the school😁.....So the next day i saw him, we look each other in the eyes i was feeling so good and special and i was feeling things in my stomach (that's weird of me) So.... The next week i talk to him in facebook  and was a miracle that he answer me like wooowwww this is happening and then we talk about you know staff...And then he ask me why i don't speak to him in school and i say i am a Dumb-Ass in School😒 and then he put LOL😂, and i like i am laughing about myself,and he is like why?,(he ask me why that's very cute i say that in my mind💕) and then i say i always laugh about myself, and then he say Lol, and then i say "seriously i dont talk to U because in school they have rumors that i like U",and he said "i know that you like me", (and i am like what WTF you just say it like that in my mind), and i say You think i like U?, he say you do?, and then i say no, and then i said "i just say that U are cute and then all the rumors begin", and he say Oh thanks.....

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