When U don't see him in the whole DAY

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It feels miserable and U know that U even know him....😭😭😭‼️

So today at school i didn't see him earlier because i was late😭.So i said "I am gonna see him in lunch" so i didn't procupate....So we did something horrible in class and turns out we have LUNCH AND LEARN...😭During the whole period of LUNCH,in that ocasion i am feeling very sad i was point of crying and that's very sad because i even know him so we even talk to feel like this😏.....So i was in the line of "LUNCH AND LEARN" and then i am surprise because we have to do downstairs (i was like so many work to do.😔) to have the disgusting food of the cafeteria😱, so i was happy about it because when i went downstairs i saw him just for 1 minute i also did a scene in front  of him just for call his attention (that's how desperate is a girl for U if they have a crush in U😂) i said (not to him) "i am not going to the fucking end of the line"    (To a friend). So he look at me he was having the face of was is going on (my crush) (i think so) so i was like surprise because my plan was successful because he look at me, i was very happy😆 that moment (the perfect moment😂) and also my heart was beating very fast also in the moment i was wishing that " i want him to go to after school program" and i still know that he is not gonna come because is FUCKING boring even to me😔....

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