When U Want To See Him

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i want to see him because i don't know but i think i am very very shy i guess to talk to him in school so i just staring him like a weird person i know that .... that is ridiculous  but i don't care i just be myself... so this day i was seeing him and we look each other in the eyes and then i change were i was seeing because  don't want him to know that i was staring at him like a weird person... SO I CHANGE MY FUCKING VIEW, an then y try to find him again in my view because i just so shy to talk to him like i want to but i can't i just can't .,. I realize that we were looking each other so many times and we even talk to each other like i think when i see him i know his feeling (because how he looks) so this day i was finding him in my view very sad i was like very sad too because i am a PISCES and the are so sensitive, so i saw him directly exactly in the eyes and it was so intensive so i was very obsessed when i saw him sooo that's how it feels to me be looking each other in the eyes.. IT feels like you are seeing feeling his emotions or feelings or WHATEVER... like I feel a connection with him and we even talk that much and is like weird because U know U even know him and obsessed U and let's say i am very sad and then i see him and he is very happy and then i start being FUCKING happy like are U seeing this like this could not happen right now  i think i just wish that we were together or something like that's how i feel when i look to him in the eyes😭....

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