Chapter 1

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Sonic was once again battling his nemesis,Eggman. "CUUUURRRSE YOU HEDGEHOG!!!" Eggman screeched when Sonic spin dashed into his egg-mobile,sending him flying. "Now that's over I've got to go." Sonic announced,before dashing off to his second house in the woods.
Sonic was in the dark,a light that hung from the ceiling shon on him from above. He tied his left arm to the arm of the chair that he was sitting on. He picked up a sharp knife with his right hand. The knife tore through his left arm,Sonic winced in pain before smirking. No one knew that the hero of Mobius was completely insane. The walls of the house were dark gray. There were words on the walls written in blood saying 'I'm alone','save me','all I see is darkness','no love and no soul','it's me!','DIE!' and many more. Sonic's arm was had 3 long and deep cuts,once he'd finished. He then started to sing Such Horrible Things by Creature Feature.
-start of the song-
Sonic:sit back now let me tell you a tale where justice does not prevail
About an ill-fated life
So very full of strife
Where 2 wrongs do not make a right
When I was born
I did surely scorn
My proud parents' names then their lives went down the drain
Drove them insane
My birth was a curse
I bit the nurse
Oh but I love the worst
I deserve to be slowly submersed
Dried out then laid in a hearse
When I was 2 I poured super glue into my father's hair as he sat unaware
In his arm chair
Was to his dismay had to cut it all away
Oh but it felt great
I deserve to be cut and filleted
Then tossed about in disarray
Until the pieces melt away
I'm not a bad man
Even though I do bad things
Very bad things
Such horrible things
But it's not quite what it seems
(Not quite what he seems)
Not quite what I seem
Aw hell
It's exactly what it seems
When I was 4 I'd wait by the door
With the knife in my hand
And the most devious plan
It would be quite grand
As the mail fell through the slot
The sharp edge he got
Oh but I love the thought
I deserve to be tied in a knot
Broken bones and blood clots
When I was 6 I used to trick the next door neighbor's son in the woods
We would run
Time for fun
Hide and seek has a cost
He would be forever lost
Oh but I love to scoff
I deserve to have my head lopped off
Hidden and covered in moss
Until this memory's forgot
I'm not a bad man
Even though I do bad things
Very bad things
Such horrible things
But it's not quite what it seems
(Not quite what he seems)
Not quite what I seem
Aw hell
It's exactly what it seems
When I was 8 I used to hate the color of my house
So as quiet as a mouse
I burned it down to the ground when no one was around
Oh but I love the sound
I deserve to be quickly put down
Rotting 6 feet underground
When I was 10 I used to pretend to drown in the sea till they come and rescue me
Then proceed to laugh in their face
Such a disgrace
Oh but I love the taste
-song stops-
"Damn,forgot the lyrics." Sonic muttered,before letting his arm be free from the ropes. He then grabbed a paint brush and a jar filled with crimson blood. Sonic stood in front of an empty space on the wall,thinking about what to write. After thinking,he wrote the words in blood 'soulless till the end of time'.
X was sitting on his throne,his eyes lowered half way from boredom. "Bring me someone to kill!" The King of EXEs yelled,his shout echoing through the halls of his castle. After a bit,a white male cat was pushed into the throne room by some guards. The cat's clothing was torn and tattered rags. The cat's blue eyes were glazed with fear,as he looked at the EXE King. In a flash,X's hand had tightly gripped the cat's throat. The cat gasped for air,when X's grip became tighter on his throat. X's claws dug into the cat's throat,making the cat cough up drops of crimson blood. X tore the cat's throat open,before ending his life by leaving a large gash in his stomach. X licked the blood off his gloves,while he smirked at the cat's dead body. "Clean up!" X boomed,his shout echoing through the castle's halls. Three maids cam into the throne room,2 of them disposed of the dead body while the other cleaned up the blood. Once the maids left,X sat on his throne and started to think of plans on how to kill Sonic. In MobiusSEGA666,a sacrifice was made when the king was bored about 22 Mobians were killed each day.
"I'm going to kill that damned fox that's always hanging around my house." Sonic muttered,he picked up some stuff to make a death trap.
Sonic sat in a tree,he'd placed some meat on the forest floor to attract the fox. Then out of the bushes,came a small fox with a very bushy tail. It sniffed at the meat before starting to eat it. Sonic smirked,quietly he lowered the wire that had a hoop in it. Once the hoop was loosely on the fox's throat,Sonic pulled on the wire. With a yelp of surprise,the fox was hoisted into the air. As the fox hung in the tree,Sonic tightened the wire around it's neck. The fox's gasps for air stopped,when the wire dug through it's skin. Crimson blood gushed from the fox's neck onto the forest floor. Sonic wasn't satisfied,he stabbed the fox in it's stomach with his pocket knife. The fox gasped in pain,before it hung limply in the tree. "That takes care of you." Sonic chuckled darkly. He untied the wire,the fox's dead body hit the ground now laying at the foot of the tree. "I hate foxes." Sonic muttered,before walking inside his house leaving the bloodstained wire next to the dead fox.
X was now border than ever. "Bring me more to kill!!!" He screeched at the top of his lungs,the castle walls vibrated as his shout echoed through the halls. After a few seconds,20 Mobians were pushed into the throne room. In a flash,X had struck down a brown hedgehog from tearing their stomaching open.
-one killing spree later-
The throne room was littered with organs,dead bodies and blood. "Clean up this mess!" The King shouted,before licking the blood from his lips and gloves. Maids quickly dashed into the room,disposing of the bodies and cleaning up the organs and blood. Once the maids were gone,X smirked widely while he sat on his throne,X was now fully satisfied.

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