Chapter 13

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(You might cry later on in the story I had a hard time typing it up since I couldn't stop crying for some time)
"I expected them to attack a few days after today,it looks like they wish to bring us down on the first day." Sonic spoke darkly,he then smirked.
Speakers had been set up around Mobius. A stadium had been made,where a certain amount of Mobians were killed by the new rulers of Mobius. "GET DOWN TO THE STADIUM NOW!!" Came Sonic's shout through the speakers in the city of Mobius.
The stadium was soon filled,with frightened Mobians. Sonic smirked "guards choose anyone except my friends and the children." Sonic ordered. Two wolfs' picked out 20 Mobians from the crowd. They were forced into the middle of the stadium. "10 of you line up over there,before I choose who goes over there." Sonic growled,as he pointed to a thick red line on the sandy ground. X walked over to Sonic,he held a box full of sharp knives. "Love lets play dart first one to strike em down wins." X said,Sonic nodded. "GET ON THAT GREEN LINE NOW!" The Queen yelled at the other Mobians. The remaining 5 Mobians quickly lined up on the thick green line. "10 knives each,knife in the heart 100 points,the neck 90 points,the head 80 points,stomach 70 points,the soul 60 points,the hip 50 points,arm 40 points,leg 30 points,eye 20 points and the shoulder 10 points anywhere else is 0 points." X explained,Sonic nodded agreeing with the rules. "You go first love." X said,Sonic nodded and he threw all 5 knives at the same time. "Not bad." X commented,he then threw his knives.
Score board
Sonic (everything was times by 2 except the score)
Sonic.EXE (everything was also times by 2) except the score)
X stood there,surprised that he'd lost. "I win!" Sonic announced. The crowd clapped and cheered for him,so they wouldn't get shouted at or end up dead.
The clock read 11:45pm. "Time to attack." The GUN commander said,he got off his office chair. "Will you be joining us?" He asked Sonic's friends,who stood by the office door. Tails nodded his head,he didn't want to hurt Sonic but he knew this has to be done.
"SOOOONNNNIIIIC!!!" Dark dashed through the door,skidding to a halt in the throne room. "What?" He asked his big bro,who was panting heavily. "They're coming to attack us they're almost here!" He blurted out,Sonic's eyes widened. Sonic quickly stood up "X get the army ready to attack." Sonic ordered,X nodded and teleported further down in the castle. "You 3 will be joining the battle." Sonic said,receiving a nod from Dark,Mephiles and Fleetway.
(This gonna be a long chapter...I think)
"ATTACK!" Sonic yelled,when GUN was close enough to his and X's castle. Thousands of EXEs ran past their king and queen,into battle.
Sonic dodged a gun's bullet,his claws tore open the throat of the agent who tried to shoot him.
Dark was fighting off bloodhounds. The dogs kept coming,tearing at his skin. He was then pinned to the ground,by the biggest hound. The dog's jaws locked around Dark's throat. Dark coughed up blood,when the dog's teeth penetrated through the skin on his neck. It then ripped open Dark's throat,Dark let out a blood curdling scream of pain.
Sonic's ears perked up from a loud scream. He looked to his left,there were bloodhounds' biting a black hedgehog. It was Dark. Sonic growled,he threw several knives. One by one,a bloodhound died till all you could see was the bleeding body of Dark. Sonic quickly dashed over to his older brother. He stared in shock. Dark's throat had been brutally torn open,and his belly had been slit open. "S-sonic." He heard Dark whisper,he looked at Dark. Sonic hugged him,Dark managed to hug Sonic back. "My time here is up..." He whispered,Dark then coughed up a lot of blood. "Dark don't leave me!" Sonic pleaded,he held his brother in a tight embrace. Dark didn't say anything,Sonic looked up his eyes widened. Dark was no longer breathing,his forest green eyes had closed. Sonic broke out into a fit of tears,while holding Dark tightly. "I'll make sure that they pay for this." Sonic whispered into Dark's ear.
Mephiles and Fleetway were fighting side by side. Fleetway's slit open an agents throat,killing them.
Sonic heard the sound of a gun that was ready to be fired. He didn't look behind him,he knew that they were aiming for him.
Fleetway's eyes narrowed,when he saw an agent with their gun aimed at Sonic. He quickly dashed over to them.
Sonic was frozen from sadness,he couldn't move. He had to move otherwise he'd be killed,but he couldn't move. He closed his eyes,when the trigger was pulled. He felt no pain,he felt nothing. Slowly he opened his eyes,Sonic's eyes then snapped open in shock. Lying in front of him was Fleetway,he was bleeding from a hole in his chest. Sonic stood,he growled and quickly ended the life of the agent who'd shot Fleetway. "Why did you do that?" Sonic asked,he held the golden hog's head in his hands. "I'd rather die,then watch my queen die and my brother live in misery for the rest of his life." Fleetway said,with a shaky voice. Sonic gently laid his head on the grass. "Stay with Dark and tell him that I'll miss him." Sonic said. Fleetway nodded his head,before his eyes closed and his breathing stopped. Sonic's eyes leaked tears,as he looked at the dead body of Dark and Fleetway. His eyes then narrowed in anger. 'Mephiles! I need to find him.' Sonic thought. Sonic dodged through the battling crowd,looking for his now only brother. Sonic's eyes widened,Mephiles had been hung on a tree. He was very shocked,standing in front of his dead brother was Tails. The kitsune's eyes widened,when he saw Sonic. "You killed him! Why!? He was my only brother I had left!...and you took him away from me." Sonic shouted,he whispered the last bit with tears flowing from his eyes. "But Sonic,I thought that I was your bro-" Tails started to say. "YOU NEVER WERE MY BROTHER! NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I KILL YOU!!!" Sonic screeched,Tails fled in fear.
Sonic now stood a few meters away from Shadow the hedgehog. "I wanted you dead ages ago...I can do that now!" Sonic hissed,his pupils narrowed to thin slits. Shadow pounced at Sonic,with a silver sword. Sonic dodged the blade,he punched Shadow in the gut. Shadow staggered backwards,he coughed up blood he glared at Sonic with pure hatred.
-10 minutes later-
The two were bloodied and battered,but they still kept fighting. Shadow spin kicked Sonic in the back,Sonic fell to the ground. As soon as Sonic stood,he felt a sharp pain in his back. His emerald eyes widened in fear. "N-no!" He whispered with disbelief. Shadow's sword had gone through Sonic's back and through his heart. Sonic coughed up puddles of blood,his pupils shook as fear overwhelmed him. Sonic's body shook,he then fell onto the grass. Blood flowed rapidly from the fetal wound. "SONIC!" He heard X shout his name in the distance. A dark blue blur spin kicked Shadow away from Sonic. X was on his knees,hugging his bleeding mate. Sonic looked at X,pure fear in his emerald eyes. Sonic's blood stained X's peach belly. "D-don't leave me Sonic I-I don't know what I'd do without you...I can't live without you my love." X said with a shaky voice,tears flooded from his eyes as he held his dying mate. "I-I can't live without too...but my time has come to an end." Sonic whispered,he chest was then still and his emerald eyes closed. "No Sonic!" X yelled,new tears soaked Sonic's cobalt fur. "I'll miss you my love." X whispered,he then laid Sonic's dead body on the grass. He was then attacked by Shadow,X staggered backwards. X had been weakened from fighting off many agents,he didn't have a great advantage. Shadow held a new sword,he swung it at X. He screeched,as Shadow's sword slit open his throat. X growled,he then slit open Shadow's stomach. Shadow gasped in pain,X's eyes widened. Shadow had somehow stabbed him in the chest. Shadow lay on the grass,dead. 'I avenged you my love but I lost my own life' X thought,while weakly smiling. "Bro it's your time to join us." Said a familiar voice. In front of X was 4 ghosts. Sonic,Dark,Mephiles and Fleetway. "X my love,come join me." Sonic said to the dying EXE king. "I'm coming Sonic..." He whispered,before taking his last breath.
(That's the end of the story 1535 words in total watch out for the sequel called: SonEXE-The Rise Of The Fallen)

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